Mulch Update: The Mulch Fairy came and it's been distributed throughout the yard. Our suspicions were correct however and we came up significantly short so now we're enjoying a two toned look in the yard. It's really quite eye catching in an eclectic sort of way.
Yesterday was take your kid(s) to work day and my company was filled with the little
As we approach we see various colored stability balls arrayed in front of the gym like so many balloons along with Bubbles and a crew enduring her MIXX class. My daughter picks up her step suspecting a party.
The MIXX crew is comprised of a lot of the FunRun! folk and I point out various people so that my kids can put faces to names, "That's wickedWoman, JRock, princessLongLegs, coolChick and Bubbles." There were others but they don't have names yet.
"What are they doing father?" asks my innocent daughter.
"Sunbathing, I should say vigorous sunbathing combined with strenuous gabbing while lying on one's back enjoying a beautiful spring day. It's an advanced course..." I trail off lamely.
I took a picture of this 'workout' because I know you wont believe how arduous it really is. Once I make sure no one can be identified I'll post it to this entry.
We head into the gym. My kids were most interested in seeing the hellish StairMaster and my son wanted confirmation that some machine was actually named the Gravitron 2000. Both kids enjoyed the visit and really enjoyed meeting both Diablo and Bubbles who they have heard so much about.
Thanks for taking the time Diablo and Bubbles!
I did the total body workout today followed by Bubbles ABS Routine for Sissies Who Can't Handle the Real ABS Class but don't really have much to report on that. I'm jacking the weight up on some of the exercises but all in all managing. I DID forget to do the Lying on Stomach Alternating Supermans (2X10 hold each rep for 2-3 counts) and the Plank On Elbows and Knees (2X30 seconds) and will make them up later in my office today. I wonder if I'll draw a crowd?
I blame IronMan of course. He's showing either further decline in sanity because of the Biggest Loser no longer showing anything interesting or he's been in the catnip. He worked himself into, ironically, an exhausted frenzy. I kept racing through my ABS and then running out into the room to see what the maniac was doing next based on goodMood's color commentary from the elliptical.
"Don't try that at home kids!"
IronMan first did the medicine ball on the floor and hop up on the bench thing.
He did two sets of six push ups on two stability balls with his feet on a bench.
He must have MORE!
He grabs another stability ball, rolls out on it like you do a plank, does a push up, rolls back over the ball pushing madly backwards with his hands, pushes himself out and repeats until exhausted.
Gasping for breath he says, "Now that gets your heart rate up!"
That seemed to do the trick although he was trying some ABS thing that awesomeGirl was showing him from her latest routine.
I ask awesomeGirl about her latest routine and she reports that she only did part of it yesterday and her triceps are sore. I reply without compassion, "There will be no whining! You asked for this."
She grins ear to ear (she's one happy gal), "Oh I know! All this training will culminate in tomorrow's corporate challenge! Me and my partner won it two years ago!"
"What event?"

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