Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Game Day

I showed The Zumba Girls and a Dude for Strip Mining a few incriminating pictures and shortly afterwords these pictures began appearing...

The money should flow in now!
I have a busy day in front of me so not much time to blog. IronMan told me to lay off the Graviton for two months, he also nodded towards a machine he used when he hurt his shoulder but refused to show me how to use it. He knows me too well and wants me to lay off it for awhile and then he'll show me. Apparently there's this 'lay off it' theme I can dimly make out. IronMan wants my shoulder functional so I can feed him peeled grapes while goodMood fans him.

I'm on a Hunt for Hunger Scavenger Team and we hit the field of battle later today - I'll go home and write that little horror up for tomorrow. We'll see if Bill can perform 'under pressure.' King Kojak is irritated with me since he's raising all the money and awesomeGirl is loitering in the lobby like some sort of Operation Feed Strumpet begging for money for her team.

I did the total body workout today (minus Graviton) but was introspective and lost in thought after Filipe was kicked off The Biggest Loser. I'm trying to care but the show was so pumped full of cliched inspiration that I went into a diabetic coma and missed some stuff. The only highlight for me was the train the trainer segment and seeing Jillian finally break (saying yeah that's enough) doing lunges. Lunges suck! Try them sometime!

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