Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Some dude on ESPN said, "Pontiac's Game Changing Performance of the game happened when Carolina took the floor last night."

Allow me this moment, even with a caliber school like UNC they are rare. What I took away from it is if you want it, work really hard for it, you will have a shot at it, not a lock. Both teams did. Coach Williams was right when he said that both teams are currently the best playing teams in the country. The Spartans took out TWO #1 seeds. I'm no basketball analyst but I think the difference was going four years and showing that basketball in its truest form is a team sport. That Carolina team was a team and could hurt you so many different ways. Take out so and so and you still have to deal with eight other so and so's who came to play and knew how to play as a team. Once they got their foot on the Spartan throat they never took it off, knew not to let up, and fulfilled their dreams.

During the game I drank four cans of Diet Mountain Dew ate a bag of Tostitos and couldn't fall asleep until 2am due to caffeine and peeing, then I was in the gym - I have dreams too :-)

I gave Ally the cans by the way, they're championship cans and I hope she inters them with the reverence they deserve.
Yesterday marked 100 days since I started exercising and 101st since I started blogging my trek. Feels like a milestone of sorts. I've been pretty true with the Garmin and it has interesting stats. It tells me the following:
  • Distance: 34.84mi most of that would be walking about since the weather hasn't broken yet and I can start doing more work on the bike
  • Time: 95:12:51 that's almost four days of the 100 (3.98) in pursuit of exercise.
  • Calories: 8,716 - Well the Garmin isn't the best calorie counter is it?
When I started I weighed 237lbs. As of this writing I weigh 218lbs, I've lost 19 pounds in 100 days. When I started I lasted four minutes on the elliptical and nine minutes on the bike, I can now maintain a pretty good heart rate for an hour on either machine and once did forty-five on the stair climber which I'm oddly proud of even though it nearly killed me.

I'm gaining muscle definition and beginning to see a dim form behind the blubber trying to emerge. I'm sleeping better, eating better (if you told me I'd choose a salad over a cheeseburger a year ago I would have laughed in you face) and making tons of new friends.

Thank you, even if we've never met and you casually peruse this blog or have offered advice, a laugh, conversation. It would be so much harder without you and I am grateful for your company.

Cya tomorrow at the gym.

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