Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Cost of Victory

And on Tuesday I slept. After burning an incredible amount of calories psychically forcing Travis Walton's eyes to cross at key times during the game I was exhausted. It's hard work I assure you and even gulping down cans of Diet Mountain Dew and carbo-loading with angst filled fists of Tostitos during the game only took the edge off the terrible toll that I knew would follow.

Still it had to be done. I was in dreamland at 8:30pm.

Yesterday a confused tireTosser approached me while I was annoying Bubbles with something or other. He said, "I didn't get a chance to watch the game last night, so how did Carolina do?"

I dead panned, "Well they lost by the biggest margin in NCAA history."

Bubbles is biting her lip trying hard not to giggle from behind her computer monitor and Kojak strolls over dangling that plastic pop bottle he uses for a water bottle from his left hand. I love the way that dude can saunter.

Kojak interjects, "Yeah, it was in a double overtime," while Bubbles tries really hard to pretend she's reading something on her monitor. The sharks beginning to circle.

tireTosser begins uttering condolences and I can't take it anymore and tell him Carolina won. He looks at me unconvinced and wanders off. Later in the day I receive the following email from him:

I have to admit, you did have me going there for a while.

In retrospect, you didn't seem all that bothered when we spoke this
morning, and there were no cuts on your wrist.

I should have took notice, I guess I owe you one. You just wait... ;-)

Swearing vengeance eh? Well take a number pal! :-)

Today was my total body thingy. I came in focused and completely lost said focus but I did it all - I'm going to try for a record time on Friday - currently it's taking me an hour five to get through it, even with IronMan fanning my bald head while I'm doing presses on the chest machine.

Pretty good crowd, AT Everest (of course), awesomeGirl (of course), IronMan (of course), ponyTail (of course), goodMood (of course), BenKingsley (of course), goldieLocks, this other dude I see from time to time and this one guy who normally isn't on the morning shift but the afternoon shift who will sport the moniker 'grumpy' if he doesn't watch it :-)

It's kinda funny but after awhile you begin to worry that everything's OK when a regular doesn't show up.

I didn't get a chance to shoot the breeze much with Diablo but will catch up later and IronMan was asking about the roof and how the grass was growing there. Somewhat enviously I thought.

He was unable to describe or perform the IronMan stunt of the week. I couldn't see his attempt since I was on The Leg Crusher of Vindictiveness but it sounded like you balance one bent leg on a stability ball (of course, what is it with him and those things?!), extend the other leg behind you, arch your back holding your arms out to your side and sing On the Wings of Love at the top of your lungs.

Or something like that.


If I get a picture of it from someone I'll post it but I hear you sweat a lot while doing this which is probably why you have to sing On the Wings of Love so no one will kill you, or maybe so they will. Some of the things IronMan does just mystifies me!

OH! IronMan and I plan on being at the 11am Zumba! class this Friday, April 10th.

You have been WARNED! So don't come crying to me or sending me your psychiatrist bills after what you witnessed.

Have a great day. And remember, "Just smile for me and let the day begin..."

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