Friday, April 10, 2009

Zumba - It is ON!

8:34AM the following was received from Bubbles:


What follows below is previous activity and thoughts. I will be at Zumba today at 11am since I NEVER pass on a chance to humiliate myself. I am 99% certain IronMan will be there too.

I hope Bubbles puts up some chairs for the spectators who want to watch Zumba tomorrow! ::BIG GRIN:: - wickedWoman

Well that's today but now confusion abounds while teams of psychics, mediums, anthropologists and the NCAA pool winner all try and decipher the 'tea leaves' of Bubbles' Zumba meeting updates and cancellations.

In short IronMan and I are not sure there is a class today and Bubbles is remaining electronically mum.

Dare I say it? Why yes I do.

Is Bubbles SCAREDY CAT?!

Time will tell :-)

I'll update this post as needed.

While we wait to hear from scaredyCatBubbles I might as well bore you with this morning's goal of trying to hammer through the total body workout as fast as possible. I got into the gym pretty gosh darned early and set up for the group 'A' routine which consisted of the following:

5 minutes on the elliptical to get my HR up
  1. SB Squat/Biceps Curls and hold the last one for ten seconds - ten reps
  2. Leg Press and hold the last one for ten seconds - ten reps
  3. BB Back Squat - Assisted Smith - ten reps
  4. Repeat
I came off the elliptical with an HR of 139 and went straight to the stability ball, picked up the 12lb dumbbells, then to the Leg Press, then to the Assisted Smith. By then my heart was humming right along and sweat was flowing. Then I did it again.

The next set wasn't as taxing HR wise and consisted of:
  1. Chest Press Machine with a pulse of 20 after doing ten reps
  2. Rear Delt Row Machine - ten reps
  3. Graviton Dips
  4. Repeat
I felt it muscle wise but my heart wasn't humming - did I do it wrong?

  1. (Right) Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexion - ten reps
  2. (Right) Low-Cable Rotation (IronMan says I look like I'm trying to start a lawnmower and I wouldn't put it past crafty scaredyCatBubbles to get me ready for mowing season) - ten reps
  3. (Left) Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexion - ten reps
  4. (Left) Low-Cable Rotation - ten reps
  5. Repeat
That got the HR up again and I wrapped it up with
  1. SB Reverse Crunch - twenty reps
  2. Standing Supermans - twenty reps
  3. Pelvic Tilts - twenty reps
  4. Repeat
That got the HR up on the dreaded SB Reverse Crunches - then I was done, about 53 minutes.

Well except for Zumba - I'll post my impressions of that later.

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