If you think you've seen long rambling posts before, well you ain't seen nuttin' yet. So read or don't but I'll be honest, I hope you read, personally I'm wondering where this will take me.
I'm sitting out back on my patio, a gentle breeze blowing mostly from the North thank heavens. It's keeping the smoke from my little fire pit from blowing all over me. As I age I find myself increasingly grateful for these small gifts.
I've laid some monster logs on for this fire, far more than needed for this evening but come after later as my son use to express it I'll douse it with some water and use them again tomorrow or whenever. I'm fighting the urge to run downstairs and take my blood pressure, I'm that relaxed, I can feeeeeel it.
This is the first time since last fall that 'the ritual' feels right, turning my thoughts to spring and summer, I look no further down that path, autumn signaling the onset of 'the end' of summer frolic. The ritual is this, every nice enough for a firepit Friday I sit on my back patio and sip one or two fingers of very expensive single malt whiskey on ice and... write.
The Pizza Hut delivery guy has just come, the pizza is in the oven and I'm waiting for my wife to return from delivering my daughter to some Girl Scout event. I'll get to pick her up but again that's after later.
A fourth grade Japanese girl, lounging on her trampoline with her younger sister and a friend has just burst into an impromptu acapella version of America the Beautiful. In her heavy accent it's lovely, the way it's meant to be sung.
Not Emenem? It portends a glorious evening.
I look forward to the ritual because of the fire. The fire, its occasional pops, mild heat and soft light remind me of North Carolina and that draws my thoughts to my family, all of them, even my Grandmother who has nothing to do with North Carolina coming from Missouri with a show me attitude. I've seen my share of fires down in Carolina.
I burned my parents bed down once, forcing my father to drag it out onto the lawn so it didn't burn the house down getting a photo of the fiasco in the local paper, but that was in Iowa and a different story for a different day.
I just peeped out the wallFlower/McBeal poll and I see Ally has brought to bear her vast legal cabal, probably threatening all sorts of lawsuits or just a seriously cranky mood if she manages to get renamed. Currently there isn't a single vote for renaming her. She's also mention that a Zumba happy hour with Margaritas would get her to renounce her wall flower ways. How about it Bubbles?
Hmmmmm, how about this? I'm quite serious with this offer. I think it would be fun if all of you would drop by my house on a beautiful Friday evening and hang out by the fire pit with me. We can order pizza or celery or whatever, maybe a potluck and I'll fire up the grill and we can just hang.
allyMcBeal has a fetishistic interest in Miller High Life so I'll make sure to have lots of that on hand for her, and when she's had enough which I'm guessing will be one given her body mass I'll nod to Bubbles and Zumba music will flow from the speakers. Then Ally can live her dream of dancing the Zumba way!
I like this idea even if Ally wont dance (a Lou Reed song just sprang to mind, Sally Can't Dance) I like this idea so much that I'm going to approach both Ally's legal cabal and the FunRun coterie and see if I can get some traction on this. You don't throw that weight around lightly or approach them if you're not serious. They have ways of getting the word out apparently, of bringing pressure when its needed.
I hope I can make it happen, this is so pleasant that it should be shared. I'm thinking anyone who reads this blog or whoever just shows up, trainers, spouses and boy/girl friends - even that dude who just stares, any or all of us, gym rats to the mildly curious.
You up for that? I hope so. I think it would be oodles of fun! Help me make it happen.
I'll talk to some of you about it tomorrow during the SATURDAY FUN MULCH!
Well the sun has just dipped below the neighbor's house and the temperature has dropped. I'm going to get my finger or two of whiskey and sit next to my wife and watch her eat S'mores, listen to the ice tinkle in my glass as it melts and watch the day go by as my Uncle B use to say.
I trust your evening is as pleasant as mine.
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