I think I'm going to have issues with the show and its artificial drama. I burned out on 'reality' TV during the lost Real World decade and when I caught the son confronting the father snippet about how he could get so fat or some such nonsense well some might have thought the healing has begun. I busted a gut. I also guffawed when they carried stress fracture girl to the scale. Please, the fake drama, lose it.
What I was hoping to see was more in the gym action. My psychosis is so deep that for me that would be interesting. I was watching them do push ups on some wobbly thing and thinking, "fun." Some hopping about. It was called the Final something or other but I have no idea what the routine was, or even if there was one. Knowing the routines would be major cool!
I know what I don't want, last night's episode. Not sure what I do want but more information would be good! I think what would make an awesome show would be when that father/son team returns to the son who was left behind and seeing how they do with no trainer, no six hours in the gym and access to equipment only through a gym membership. You know like the rest of us. It's like this time I was watching this home improvement show and they're laying a hardwood floor after tearing up an older one or something and using some fairly fancy tools to do it. I'm thinking, "OK, now do it with a hammer and a butter knife, that's what I've got." I wish the contestants well and I hope the son left behind can do it, if he wants, you gotta want it.
ponyTail and goodMood are gabbing about one of the fallen this morning. He came out of the gates strong but recently has wandered off the reservation. They're talking about how they keep asking him when he's coming back and what not. It doesn't sound good to me. ponyTail teases me that he stopped coming because I didn't name him in my blog. I promise to name him if he shows back up. It's on him.
It's like quitting smoking, there's oodles of help and encouragement out there but bottom line is you have to want it. I'm beginning to think part of the trick is the old bait and switch. You're giving something up for doing this sort of thing. It might be cigs, or staying up late, or lounging on the couch in the evenings but you're replacing one set of activities with another. I think its a bit easier if you swap out something your bored with or no longer wish to do with this exercise thang. You'll have made time for it automatically.
But I'll be frank, at least in my case, something's gotta give in the time department. For me it was staying up late. I'm usually in bed by 9pm (except when I decide to catch The Biggest Loser) so that I can get up early enough to get to the gym.
Then suddenly it becomes routine, a new habit. This is what I do now, without a thought.
goodMood has decided to take tomorrow off, this has thrown IronMan into a bit of a panic and he's telling me that I have to come in early tomorrow so that I can get "whatever goofy thing I'm doing on the bike" out of the way and do RackRuns! with him.
I'm honored. I'll be there.
If it was Friday (Zumba) I'd be wearing this little number. The site assures me that I'll, "Style yourself out in these bright, fun and comfortable shorts!" Oh will goodMood and IronMan gnash their teeth in jealous rage when I take the floor in this, styling myself right out of the closet! ::evil cackle::

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