Sunday, March 15, 2009

Team Bubble-U

I mention Team Bubble-U a few times and this will be the sole mention in this blog until next year. This is a snippet from a letter I sent out to family and friends and I would like to think that I have some friends who peruse this blog that aren't on the other list. I had fun on last year's walk and I hoped we helped in research or aid to those who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis. Since it involves a two mile walk it falls under exercise in my book :-)

Here's the letter:

They are legend, having been one of every single team entered that completed the formidable Tour de Zoo, an arduous two mile trek surround by wild animals, some even uncaged! Like the terrible chipmunk and the ravenous dove! They are known as Team Bubble-U and others cower in fear at their thunderous waddling bubble blowing approach!

As some of you know that there are those near and dear to me that suffer from this awful, debilitating disease, I'm no brainiac but I can walk and complain about it; others can't. So they've elected me as their Team Bubble-U Official Mascot to gripe for them by proxy. If you know me at all you know I take whining very seriously when undertaking any form of exercise.

If you feel up to it why not toss a little coin into the hat and help out a bit? Or say a prayer? Maybe both? If you're wondering how your donation will be used this was the best I could do to find that out. It's tax deductible and the MS Society will send you a confirmation of your donation. If you're not into the online thing you can write us a check and we'll donate if for you, make the check out to National MS Society.

If you go to our team page you can even pick a favorite Bubble-U and sponsor them specifically. Pick your most-liked, believe me it will be viewed as a total popularity contest by yours truly. Wanna make me cry? You have the power!

We managed to complete the onerous course, slight grades and all last year. Come April 18th, 2009 the question will be... CAN WE FINISH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACK AGAIN?

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