Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday - A New Beginning

I had my meeting set with Bubbles for 7:30 today and so slept in. I was up and in the gym by 6:15 just sort of hanging out. An intervention is probably coming soon. I goofed around with IronMan who actually reversed his routine or something. I tried some of those medicine ball push ups and got pretty good at nearly crushing my skull and indirectly providing a good cardio workout for IronMan who kept saying, "Watch it... watch it... WATCH IT!" as I'd get increasingly wobbly on the ball. But that wasn't enough for the boy and he did a few reps of ten or so of jumping on the bench while in a plank on the medicine ball thingys, still not enough I later see him destroying his legs getting his HR waaaay up with monster ankle weights on storming up and down the hallway. Later on, he's NOT SWINGING on the Rack of Abdominal Despair causing further damage to his abs. That boy should sleep well tonight.

I'm idly peddling on a recombinant next to J-TOSRV putting in thirty minutes of 'calorie burner' my incredible psychic abilities informing me there's a doughnut in my future, best pay it forward. J-TOSRV has just come off the fiendish stair climber and is hurting herself further on the recombinant, 'calorie burner' at level way above mine. It was a fun conversation.

Bubbles is on the scene taking ponyTail through some new nightmares. At one point Bubbles looks like some sort of ice skater, one foot on the ground, other leg straight out behind her in a position I could never get into much less hold. This is one of her famous additional challenges I think. I love watching IronMan, Bubbles, Diablo and others work. It gives me something to aspire to. I'll never achieve that level of form but at least I know what it looks like.

Poor Bubbles is BUSY she's now interviewing an FNG and I'm getting dangerously bored. That's not her fault but mine on the timing thing but I'm considering setting up a RackRun! to pass the time. NOT a good idea when one is about to try a new routine.

Finally it's my turn for quality Bubbles time! I don't have time today to blog it all but as I type this up I'm starting to feeeeeel the workout, particularly in my tummy though my thighs are beginning to chime in with a slow burn. Bubbles' routines are subtle. I think she has plans for keeping me in ABS - she must enjoy my complaining and occasional melt downs.

OH! There was one pretty cool thing while I was on the bench press thingy. I was watching the otherPonyTail on the treadmill out of the corner of my eye. She was doing this kinda weird interval workout on it. She had the treadmill jacked up to around screaming lunacy and was running on the thing. Then she'd grab the hand rails and lift off it putting her feet on the sides off the moving treadmill and do some sort of stretch or something, then pick herself up and plop down on the treadmill hitting the ground running! It looked cool as hell.


My grace and balance on the treadmill are legendary! No problemo.

See ya in the ER!

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