Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deep Burn at Universal Studios!

Check out those metrics!

Yep, yep, I've done it again exposed the deep lies of the exercise mythos! You can thank me later, profusely.

Today we went to Universal Studios and I took along the Garmin, because... uhhhh... I'm weird? I decided, even though I'm in the land of La to forgo the heart rate monitor since I've received enough compliments on my 'bra strap' thank you very much!

Today's routine consisted of standing in line or walking to a line. Cool down was sitting during a show or riding the tram around the studio lots looking for the beautiful people. They were working.

This workout is intense and not for the beginning pansy! According to the Garmin I burned an incredible amount of calories riding the tram! The Garmin doesn't lie!!!

The aerobic activity was driving on the 101 during rush hour!

Welcome to The Bill Diet (just send me $19.99 OK?) and sit on trams or stand in line all day long losing weight! Lounge your way to a healthy heart!!!

Extreme Hills at Universal

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