Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Total Body Bleh!

Well yesterday I could take it no longer and around 3PM chowed down the Clif Bar. I wish I could adequately describe for my wife how it was soft and chewy and filled with chocolaty GOODNESS! The way the oats crunched under the molars with just the right amount of resistance. All the textures and various flavors... why is that a hint of cinnamon? I was thinking, "I simply MUST share this with my beloved..." when suddenly I noticed there was only a tiny square left! It would be cruel to give her such a small morsel. I popped the rest in my mouth and licked my fingers. I'll keep my eye out for them in the future, at over a buck a bar that was a nice gift for me.

I'm always looking for new addictions :-)

I also noticed about noon some lactic acid burn in the ol' thighs. Not sure if I went anaerobic A LOT or a bit. I'm thinking I'm OK all in all and will continue to strive for 150 on the tempo workouts until I plateau.

This morning I woke up at 4:50, switched off the alarm and climbed out of bed. I wasn't into it. I mean who's into anything at 4:50am? I eat a banana and fill the water bottle and head in.

I use to scoff at the people boring on and on about, you need to drink eighty gallons of water a day, just to survive! Now I carry my little USPS water bottle everywhere sucking on the blasted thing like I'm in the Sahara desert. That water bottle has become something of a talisman for me. Back when I was first getting interested in bicycling my staff (at the time) chipped in and bought if for me as a Christmas present. So it's pretty special to me and helps bring me the will to exercise.

Today I'm attempting to cut down on the time for the total body workout. So I hop on the elliptical set it for some level, eight I think and get on with it. My wonderful trainer sent me an email yesterday with a link to the DB Lunge for me to look over along with the following corrections to the image, "With the link above, there are a couple of corrections that I would make - take a bigger front step & lower back knee and also keep torso tall while taking the step forward AND lowering your back knee!" During the euphemistically named Dynamic Warm-Up routines I practice that form. Oh yeah, that sucks.

After double knotting and duct-taping my shoelaces down I get on the treadmill and it reminds me of how much FUN I'm going to have on it during interval training tomorrow. I struggle with form on this today, I seemed to struggle with form on lunges too. Later it occurred to me in the shower that doing five lunges right and stopping probably has more value than doing fifteen wrong or half-assed. Today I seemed to opt for half-assed, sigh.

All the while the stair climber was leering in its corner. I finally get to it and do five minutes at level five with a max heart rate of 153. I don't think you can do that machine half-assed, if you do you fall off of it like a I Love Lucy skit gone horribly awry. But something is amiss... sweat isn't falling off me like the monsoon season and yeah my thighs burn and I don't want to do it but it didn't seem as bad. Don't get me wrong I'm in no way thinking I'm ready to up the level on that bad boy or the time but maybe I'm making progress (?).

I did the crunches which I oddly enjoy (not so much the alternating supermans), stretch and head for the showers. All in about an hours time.
The scale has started its siren call but I'm ignoring it at the moment. Ever since it bitch slapped me with that extra half pound I've been keeping my distance. I haven't drawn in my belt a notch (my other metric) yet which is depressing but I'm trying to keep my spirits up. I tried for a notch on Sunday and managed to do it but it felt a lot like I imagine a nineteenth century woman felt struggling into a corset.

I noticed when I got up to get my morning oatmeal and coffee that I apparently pulled a muscle I didn't know I had high up on my left thigh near the joint. Maybe I did do some of those DB lunges almost right. The workout today felt bleh for lack of a better word. Something to be gotten through, there was no joy.

I must be patient.

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