I hop on the elliptical next to 'Everest' which is what I think of when I see this person working out on an elliptical. They look just like those guys plodding up some serious slope on Mt. Everest working those two poles they use, waist deep in snow, which is exactly what I would look like if I had the machine set to the same level. I mentally shrug and plug in my numbers except I put in 231 for my weight since I've lost six pounds (kinda proud of that), setting the machine for '8' which is what I used last time to get me in the 144 zone.
I hum along for a minute or so... this is easy... huh?
Around minute three I go to 9 and at minute four I go to 10. Ten seems to do the trick, and my heart rate is around 140 but at least its climbing. I trudge along feeling the burn in my thighs and wondering if this sudden ease is because I lost six pounds? The Garmin is saying I'm in zone 3.8 and the elliptical is telling me I'm at the upper end of 'Cardio' and not in 'Peak.'
OK, what the heck? I try to go faster to get the heart rate to climb and manage to get to 150bpms but I don't have the leg strength for it and can't hold it, no matter how I fiddle with the levels (8, 9, 10) DAMMIT!
I half-heartedly try to go for an average of 144 for the entire workout but it's just not gonna happen. Am I doomed to a life on that Stairmaster? (shudders).
With about ten minutes left in the workout a buddy comes in. He's telling me that music helps get you through it while plugging in his iPod. My inner Catholic kicks in and starts harping that I got in this weight-out-of-shape JAM all by myself and that I have no reason WHAT-SO-EVER to enjoy music while getting out of it. Just close captioned high def TVs showing news and loud generic Rave music for you pal!
I don't recall my reply but I do recall that I could hold a conversation (it would be 'puffy') fairly easily.
Times up. I stretch a bit and head to work after my shower.
I'm discouraged but while pondering it in the sauna I think I'm being too aggressive. Your thoughts, my gentle readers? What I'm thinking is the best course is to attempt to hold this 144bpm average for a week or two before going for 150.
Here's the chart of the entire workout including cool down:

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