I decided to blow off a little steam and NOT THINK with thirty minutes of Bubbles inspired Zumba. I was my usual klutz and I think Bubbles at times wonders why I'm giggling like a stonie at the back of her class but there are certain steps that she makes look so simple and so does the rest of the class that, alas, I simply can not do. One is where you take your right foot and kinda stomp it out and forward, then do the same thing with the left, if you're capable of hip movement you do that too and you shoot your right arm out and forward like your right foot and same with your left arm. Then you step back the same way.
I am genetically incapable of doing this with any sort of rhythm or nuance. I mean I get SO FAR behind that I'm nearly lapped and I just have to... giggle at myself.
I so need this class. Lout that I am.
As I head into the locker room my boss is in there getting ready for a run, grinning he says, "I'm sorry you're in the wrong locker room, this is the MENS locker."
I laugh kinda wondering if I could use that to get into the womens locker. Would they take pity on poor sweaty Bill? Fat chance.
At 1:30 I head down to the atrium for the scavenger hunt check in. Diablo is there explaining the rules of the game while we turn in all our money from out sponsors. To those who donated to our team,
We placed dead last but your money was still well spent on filling an empty belly. awesomeGirl had sold her soul to another team that raised something like $800 to our $70 or so, one of their gimmicks was that whoever gave them the most money got to name their team. They ended up being Rick's something or other...
Since I'm a petty, poor sport, little LITTLE man, awesomeGirl shall be called Rick's-awesomeGirl until I get over it in a year or two.
Diablo is speaking gibberish about twelve challenges and whatnot while I'm doing more constructive things like accusing the other teams of cheating, drug abuse or trying to recruit them to King Kojak's team. Diablo is showing no compassion, even when I fake an injury but he says something that catches my ear.
"If a challenge proves too tough you can opt for a minute penalty and move on to the next challenge."
Doing the math I raise my hand.
"Yes Bill?"
Glancing over at King Kojak I ask, "So we could stroll out here and immediately take twelve penalties and come in with a twelve minute time and, uh, do nothing?" King Kojak's team is known for indifference to any request. Kojak is grinning back at me, digging the idea.
Diablo realizes he's caught in a rule trap and starts explaining how this is suppose to be fun and stuff. Mind you I have no intention of doing this, I never pass on an opportunity to make a fool of myself but knowing what I know now I might have derived a bit of spiteful glee in saying to Rick's-Team "Good job" like they did to us after they won with a time of 12:49 - actually that reads meaner then it was, it was funny.
They deserved their prize. Raising that much money in this economy is no small feat.
Then we're shoved into what I started calling 'The Green Room' and called out into the atrium by team, then we were put back in there. The Green Room is actually a little hallway and we had to stay in there seeing nothing until Bubbles released us for the ordeal.
We were to be released second to last. It took awhile. We'd peer out when the door was opened hoping for clues. Occasionally a team would come running in on their way to the stairwell looking harried. At other times some poor slob who was actually working would wander in and be grilled for information.
One lady and a few of her pals came in and one of the research chicks (another opposing team) knew her and they started talking, but not about what was going on on the other side of the door. I'm having none of that.
"What's going on out there?"
The girl stares at me blankly while the research chick shoos her off before wheeling on me and saying, "BILL! She's from Armenia!"
"I wish you had told me that, I speak fluent Armenian."
"You do NOT!"
Some fan of King Kojak is trying to take his picture. I work myself into the frame knowing Kojak will treasure the moment more if I'm part of it. The fan says, "Oh my gosh, you two look like brothers!"
Kojak says, "I don't know how I feel about that."
The fan busts a gut and exits telling us nothing about what's going on 'out there.' I have no idea if she reads this blog but if so I'd appreciate it if she'd email a copy of that pic :-)
Later the Armenian girl comes back in and the research chick gleefully grabs her and says, "Bill can speak fluent Armenian. Bill, come over here and speak with my friend."
I walk over and say, "Hi."
She smiles politely at me while the research chick glowers saying, "That isn't Armenian!"
I look at her pityingly and say, "I AM speaking fluent Armenian." Somehow the girl disappears when Bubbles starts banging on the door saying, "King Kojak's team is up!"
Show time.
We're the second to the last team out the door and there are folk all around and lots of chaos. I think Bubbles hands us our first clue and we're on our way. We find the individual and are given a riddle to solve, "What goes up but never comes down?" We never figured it out.
Here's something to consider in the future when you're roped into one of these things. If you have a member of the FunRun! crew on your team (tireTosser) you WILL run the steps and LIKE IT gosh darn it! So we'd run up to the fourth floor, down to the second floor. I'm in my work clothes and getting kinda sweaty. I'd pop out of some Godforsaken stairwell and people would be yelling, "Run! You're suppose to run!"
mmhmm - I didn't give up but I knew we didn't have a prayer of winning this thing. $800 to our $70 is a pretty big deficit to make up time wise so I decided to listen to Diablo and have fun doing the challenges and trying to keep up with tireTosser, King Kojak and their stair running ways.
The research chicks catch us at the corn hole event. Now that was a challenge, the thing was about twenty-five feet away from where you toss the sandbags. There were a few other challenges and we were done.
I immediately defected to the winning team but Diablo only had three gift cards so I defected back. I don't think King Kojak even noticed.
My wife loves her Bubbles' designed T-Shirt, I had a great time tormenting her team in this blog and trash talking everybody.
It's fun, try it next year! I will if:
- I survive Bubbles and Diablo's workouts
- Anyone will have me
I wrote the above last night while it was fresh on my mind. Work is busy so I don't have a lot of time to tell you what went on at the gym today.

Then I stagger around watching IronMan and goodMood play and I wanna but this annoying little fly is buzzing, work, work, beware the Ides of March...
I head for the lockers, take of my HR monitor and go back out to the gym grinning like an idiot at goodMood and Ironman while I say, "Look, I just gotta lift something." Running my fingers lovingly over the 95lb dumbbells.
IronMan is sitting on a bench lifting some massive thing above his head in an Arnold Press. He gasps at goodMood, "Give him some five pound dumbbells."
"Awww come on!"
So I take the dumbbells and do a few shoulder exercises while goodMood and IronMan query me on pain. Things seem to be improving but I betcha if I go over the five pound limit IronMan and goodMood will kick my ass. I keep thinking of Fuzion, that workout routine I posted a few days ago and curling pencils.
Bubbles is processing Kojak and Rick's-awesomeGirl through body assessments and she's grinning because she's gonna make her ABS deadline.
And I have to go.
Be well.