It's more of a planter problem but if I had titled this post, AllyMcBeal Needs Help With Her Planter Problem! you'd probably misread 'Planter' for 'Plantar' and think her feet were covered with warts and she would slap me silly the next time our paths crossed. I have no idea if Ally's feet are covered with warts, why would she show them to me? I'm no physician. I'm certain they're fine feet so let's just drop the whole wart thing OK? Hey, don't look at me, I didn't bring it up.
Anyway 'pot' made for a sexier headline than 'planter' and I'm not above tantalizing you to get more readers.
No, her problem is that she needs to fill these planters with aluminum cans so that she doesn't have to fill them with as much dirt and can move them without the need of a fork lift I guess. Look, I don't understand the youth of today any better than you do but trust me on this one thing, AllyMcBeal needs your aluminum cans dammit!
Are you going to give them to her? I know I am. I think it's a cool idea, even if it does sound like the horticultural equivalent of stuffing your bra. I plan to give her mine after the game tonight. I drank four diet Mountain Dews during the Villanova game channeling my chemically induced energy to the Carolina cause and staying up dealing with the side effects until 1:30AM, a small price to pay for victory. Who knows how many I'll consume during tonight's game.
Already my hyperactive imagination has got these planters up to the size bathtubs, not that I'll ever see them after this post goes up but that's a heck of a lot of soil so probably both Ally and her hubby's backs will thank you if they don't have to get a half ton of topsoil moved from the driveway eight feet over to where ever these planters are in a wheelbarrow.
Ally is calling it a 'cause' most likely in a shrewd maneuver to get federal funding but here she is in her own words:
I am collecting empty pop cans to fill my planters at home. If you have any today that you would like to donate to my cause, please let me know and I'll stop by to pick them up (or they can be dropped off in my office). Please feel free to pass along to your coworkers!
So give her some cans, it's still 'green' since she'll be using less topsoil if you care about the green thing, currently that's too close to Michigan State's colors for my tastes and anyway backs are at stake! Just cowboy up and do it OK? And try not to make her drop by for them she's busy crushing corporations with tort law.
Update: Uncrushed cans are better, Ally is going after volume not quantity. She figures she needs about thirty more - I've put up a sidebar counter that if I get updates on I'll actually update until this crises is over! :-)
It was a quiet day in the gym today. Everyone pensive about Carolina's upcoming game against the loathed Michigan State. I was sporting my Carolina t-shirt and raggedy Carolina gym shorts and was quite moved by the show of support I got from my fellow gym rats!
goodMood was preoccupied, wearing a burgundy t-shirt symbolizing the blood he was willing to spill for a Carolina victory. Kojak was in all black foreshadowing Emenem's upcoming despair at game time while ponyTail was in white signifying the purity of the Carolina cause. Not only that but davidBeckham was performing his own dark rites on the basketball court running about while listening to strange music like a deranged kitten on speed.
As I walked into work I saw nothing but support for my little basketball team from Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Thank YOU!
One last time (this year), y'all with meaning...

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