Thursday, December 25, 2008

Total Body Workout #2

5 minutes on the elliptical to get HR up

Set One
  1. SB Squat/Biceps Curls and hold the last one for ten seconds - ten reps
  2. Leg Press and hold the last one for ten seconds - ten reps
  3. BB Back Squat - Assisted Smith - ten reps
  4. Repeat
Set Two
  1. Chest Press Machine with a pulse of 20 after doing ten reps
  2. Rear Delt Row Machine - ten reps
  3. Graviton Dips
  4. Repeat
Set Three
  1. (Right) Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexion - ten reps
  2. (Right) Low-Cable Rotation (IronMan says I look like I'm trying to start a lawnmower and I wouldn't put it past crafty scaredyCatBubbles to get me ready for mowing season) - ten reps
  3. (Left) Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexion - ten reps
  4. (Left) Low-Cable Rotation - ten reps
  5. Repeat
Set Four
  1. SB Reverse Crunch - twenty reps
  2. Standing Supermans - twenty reps
  3. Pelvic Tilts - twenty reps
  4. Repeat

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