Mulch Update: It's getting wetter.
Yesterday I'm minding my own business on my way to some lecture about diversity or something when I notice Bubbles sitting at a booth yakking with AT Everest. Fool that I am I stroll over and Bubbles starts trying to rope me into doing some Operation Feed Scavenger Hunt. Bubbles can be pretty persuasive but I managed to beg off since I had to learn about diversity or something.
Afterward I'm ambling for the elevators when I hear, "BILL!" I glance upward through the atrium glass figuring it's the Lord again but I was wrong. Glaring at me with demonic glee was Diablo at the same table Bubbles was occupying not an hour ago. He brings me over through sheer force of will, "Bubbles tells me that you've volunteered for the Scavenger Hunt..."
"Um, I don't remember it quite like that." I explain that I don't know what it is so he tells me what it is and I tell him I'll think about it.
I'm explaining to my wife this Scavenger Hunt thing, making a total hash out of it while we're strolling out of the lunchroom and stumble into BOTH Diablo and Bubbles!!! My wife is trying to figure out where and when and Bubbles is going into her spiel about how much fun it is while Diablo looks threatening when my wife says, "We'll do it."
Well OK then.
Since then my wife has defected to another team called Zumba Girls or something and I walk a lonely gym, the only gym that I have ever known, don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone...
Sorry, Green Day on the iPod... that one always gets me whiny.
Everyone is giving the leper Bill a bit of the cold shoulder this morning when I'm trying to recruit for another team which is mine I guess since I'm currently the only one in it, that was until Kojak said he'd join. Cool! Now it's Kojak's team!!! He'll probably make me shave my head, not that that's any big chore or anything.
Still we need one more. How about it? Yeah you, quit hiding behind that bush and cowboy up buttercup! Come on... you know you want to!
Pretty quiet in the gym today but what do I expect when I show up at five? GASP! I just might turn into one of the ghostPeople, not sure I want that, they're SPOOKY! IronMan strolls in and welcomes back needs-a-name and we're both a bit disappointed in the Biggest Loser. There was like twelve seconds of gym time so no IronMan Stunt of the Week. They better come up with something next week or IronMan will probably go insane, he's already showing signs doing dangerous lunges with barbells. I probably put a banality curse on the show by watching it. I'll skip next week and we'll see if that helps.
Total Workout today and now I must ponder how to slide the ABS work in (and when) and hopefully find time tomorrow for some RackRuns! I'm giving thought to joining Zumba Girls (King Julien voice, "I'm a lady, everyone! Now, which of you is attracted to me?") so I obviously need to spike my testosterone.

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