Others are showing signs of stress, today awesomeGirl had Bubbles 'bring it' for a routine since her current routine wasn't painful enough. I'm flailing on the recombinant next to marathonMan who's turning the pedals r e a l s l o w because he jacked the machine up so high, but I'm not saying anything to him since he bit my head off earlier. I was trying to tell him that he needed to turn the pedals to activate the machine and he glared at me, Mr. Helpful, muttering something about having to get the straps just right on his pedals or something. marathonMan isn't a morning person.
I've decided, based on awesomeGirl's behavior, to read the label on the olive oil bottle real close. I bet there's some tiny, legalistic text that says:
Consult your physician before consuming olive oil. Irreversible side effects may include mild insanity, getting in your trainers face and severe sadomasochism along with the inability to hold a barbell due to excessive oil in the sweat syndrome...
It would explain a lot. So I'm watching marathonMan grinding it out on the bike, Bubbles doing some unimaginable thing with holding a leg out parallel to the floor and two dumbbells while awesomeGirl tries to hide her horror because she's next and goodMood and IronMan trying to kill each other with bench presses for their morning warm up.
Morning TV has got NOTHING on this!
I'm banging out forty-five minutes on the recombinant doing intervals but nowhere near the intensity of last week. Sadly I've managed to confuse myself, again, so I need time to think. About what? I DON'T KNOW - it's just beyond my grasp buzzing about like some annoying fly.
I'm off the bike and ask awesomeGirl if the new routine is meeting her expectations. She says it's going to kick her butt tomorrow with a happy smile.
Addicts, they're nothing but trouble. I'll have to keep an eye on her and possibly set up another intervention. I'm so glad I get up at 4:30am and try and bang through a 45min cardio so that I can have thirty or so minutes to lift my 'twaining' weights with IronMan and goodMood. At least I don't have a problem!
My liege lord had entered the gym and mounted his trusty upright bike without me even noticing! Attempting to avoid another beating from the benevolent one I kneel before mighty King Kojak Ruler of All That is Scavaged and report, "My lord no one in this gym feels they are worthy enough to join thy team! Or they just don't wanna."
He merely glares at me making some shooing motion, this is not his problem it's MY problem. He's fully dove into this team leader thing!
I hatch a plot with Bubbles promising her that King Kojak will pay her FIFTY Kojak Dollars if she doesn't end ABS class until someone volunteers to bask in the mercilessness that IS Kojak.
I just heard tireTosser cracked.
I guess we have to do this now - glares at tireTosser :-)

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