I hammered through it. Unlike wickedWoman (who loves interval work) I have more of a love/hate with it. After about the third one (there are usually seven 'intervals') I'm ready to bag it. What keeps me going? I don't know, my mind locks on to it like it's some sort of commitment or something and even though I know what's coming I keep trying to push it a little further. Soon I'm exhausted.
I came off the bike feeling 'bleh' - you have those sorts of days I think. It was 6:30am and a half hour before ABS. I was thinking of giving work an early start today but IronMan had other ideas. He was trying to do that balancing act on the ball while still destroying his shoulders with goodMood. He deflated the ball down to what it would look like if he weighed 400 pounds and kept trying to do it. Kojak had the most success.
Every time I'd say anything IronMan would grab some dumbbells and make me do some shoulder exercise. He was in such a good mood that I'm giving serious thought to having him drug tested.
Before I knew it it was seven and time for ABS. Bubbles threw in a different variation today and I quickly broke. I hate when that happens, seriously. I start looking for excuses like, heck I just did forty five of hard interval work before doing this thing bleh bleh BLEH.
Anyway, I got through that but I'm not happy with today's ABS performance and now have a ton of work in front of me. YAY!
Have a great day and those on the FunRun have fuuuuuuun! Tomorrow - Zumba!

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