We have this corporate hunger thingy for Operation Feed, some sort of scavenger hunt. To my knowledge there are two teams. King Kojak's Team representing all that is good in the world and Zumba Girls and a Dude for Starvation representing unpleasantness and darkness.
One of my direct reports is on Zumba Girls and a Dude for Kicking Puppies along with my wife. Imagine what fun that is for me on the opposing team navigating that quagmire. On Friday (a holy day I guess since King Kojak took it off) the wicked Zumba team leader and direct report struck like a viper! She used mailing lists and stand up meetings to plead for money for her team while I had to sit in a class learning the full horror of what is Office 2000-whatever!
I mean really. Is that fair? No, since I didn't think of it.
So King Kojak needs your money if we're going to defeat Zumba Girls and a Dude for Clubbing Baby Seals because I'll betcha they're smarter than we are and this scavenger thingy is suppose to involve using one's wits! We're doomed without some serious coin, so it can be over in seconds and you can be back at your desk working your tails off or you can laugh your butts off at tireTosser, King Kojak and me trying to puzzle something out.
Pernicious Zumba Girls and a Dude for Continued Recession or King Kojak's team (if King Kojak ever decides to name it I'll pass that on, maybe King Kojak's Knights or the... uh... KKK... for short... never mind, probably not that one).
Your call.
Look, here's the depths they'll go to. After my shower and weigh in (I'm down to 211 four pounds from losing thirty - BIG GRIN) I'm using the deodorant because of that stupid court order and I know that the Zumba Girls and a Dude for Setting Fires at Myrtle Beach sabotaged the cans! As I finish with one arm pit and am moving to the next one they modified the spray nozzle causing jets of deodorant to spray into my eyes!
Yes, that's what I'm saying! The Zumba Girls and a Dude for Depleting the Ozone Layer tricked me into macing myself! How else would you explain it?
Now I can't even cry crocodile tears for your money because of the antiperspirant! They'll probably disable my chin quivering technique next.
I hurt myself at the gym today making me feel more like an athlete than ever! I was doing Bubbles Total Body thingy and trying to treat it like that final whatever on Biggest Loser but it's Monday and Jillian wasn't screaming at me so I just decided to up some of the weights. That was fun let me tell ya. I got a little annoyed with Kingsley since he interfered with my autism by bogarting the leg press machine right when I needed it but I managed not to cry and worked around it.
Anyway I was on the Graviton 2000 and decided to drop the weight from 90 to 80 and started doing dips. Immediately my right shoulder screams out, "DEAR GOD IT'S MONDAY YOU DOLT!" in pain. I try two more, hurting it further before consulting with goodMood on the matter. He tells me to back off it and STOP. I ponder that, up the machine to 140 and do a test - um yeah - it's hurt.
I wrap up with Bubbles Get Your Whiny Butt Back To ABS routine, shower, weigh in, mace myself and am getting dressed while talking to bendItLikeBeckham about my injury. He mentions icing it after I find a Tylenol in my pocket (handy!).
As I'm heading out the locker room doors Diablo is there with two disposable ice packs! How cool is that? He gives them to me, telling me I should keep the shoulder iced as much as possible for the next 24 hours and then shows me how to be a proper dip. I mean how to do a proper dip. I was going down too far, putting too much strain on my shoulder.
Gosh I love these trainers!
In the future I think I'll warm up for dips (after healing) by setting the machine way high for some reps and give my shoulder a heads up.
Finally, as promised here's a sanitized picture of the brutal MIXX sunbathing class I mentioned on Friday.

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