I stroll into the gym pretty early seeing the ghost people, those that come in around 4am, I usually see them when they're climbing into their cars when I arrive. I'm early because I want to hang with IronMan since goodMood blew him off to mow lawns or something.
I choose an upright bike, set it for intervals level 7 and 45 minutes and go. The first 'hill' I'm just getting the feel for it and letting my muscles warm up a bit. I've noticed on these longer type workouts it takes about fifteen minutes for them to stop complaining, hush and just do it. I'm also taking the machine out of 'scan' and setting it for rpms, when I hit a 'hill' I want to hammer out a cadence of 100rpms and hold it. Each hill is three minutes and that's a bit of a drag, I try not to look at the clock but end up staring at it raptly as if my pain and desire to end it will speed it up.
By the third hill I'm into the flow of it and pouring myself into it wanting to make up for holding back on last Tuesday's tempo workout. I know that I must sound like a steam engine about to explode to those in the gym, wheezing and gasping for breath, I'm very anaerobic. For the middle three hills I hold my goal pretty well, keeping the cadence above 100rpms - really and sincerely pushing it for me. With around thirty seconds of the three minute hill left things would go gray around my vision while the center seemed to get clearer. I wish that was cool but its not, it felt like things were just going away, I couldn't hear the music in my ears, I couldn't tell I was breathing, all I could see was this one dot on the side of a Cybex machine in front of me. I didn't back off.
Then BAM! Rest time and everything snaps back, the pain, the ragged breathing and gasping, the "I don't wanna do this anymore" feelings. I'd sit way up on the bike, fighting to get my breathing back in control. Looking around, usually I'd feel like I was getting a grip when BAM! back up the hill trying for 100rpms.
By the sixth hill I had nothing left in my legs, they could hang in there around 95rpms and I'd try near the end of the three minutes to push them over the 100 mark and could but couldn't hold it - not a prayer. The dumb machine says I burned 400 calories, oh I beg to differ!
I carefully dismount not fully trusting my legs and wipe the machine down. I head into the bathroom not sure if puking is on the agenda or not, wipe my face with a paper towel and shoot the breeze with Kingsley who's done and is primping in front of the mirror.
Then back out to IronMan's RackRuns and Lets Destroy Those Shoulders! workout routine. We did lots of stuff, but in the end it took both Kojak and I to come close to goodMood. So we did Arnolds and I worked on the Smith machine and did five manhole cover on the lap dips with IronMan hovering nervously by (thanks!).
Then it was time for ABS, as I pass Bubbles I thought I was joking when I said, "I've just been through a pretty serious workout I'm just going to lay on the mat and bitch about ABS."
I can't even share all the stuff Bubbles did. I don't remember it. What I do remember is spending most of the time laying on my back not doing it, having nothing or my old pal monster lower back pain chiming in with a, "howdy, miss me?" I remember thinking I did forty of these reverse stability ball crunches yesterday and twenty of those standing supermans and I still can't get my fat ass off the floor holding that ball up between my ankles and don't even BOTHER asking me to hold something longer than a second.
I felt a rising rage, "Why can't I get through just one of these courses feeling like I accomplished it? Just ONE!" Others can and do. I felt... disappointment with myself.
I pondered these thoughts in the shower and reached the conclusion I'm not cut out for ABS for whatever reason I care to indulge myself with. I'm just tired of not being able to do most of it and don't feel like I'm making progress.
Hmmmm, major setback in the psychology department - I require a constantly improving core and lower back if I'm gonna make it on the bike. I must think on this and talk to Bubbles about it, maybe she can design some sort of ABS course for wimps and I can work my way back into the class. Right now I feel ashamed that I've failed in this but I don't think trying to hang is the answer.
Wonder how I'll deal?
I wrote the following last night...
Just to brighten your day with a bit of frivolity - check this out (thanks JRock!):
Make sure to click on the 'HQ' button for a better picture after hitting play!
My wife (I'm pondering a name for her) took Bubbles Strength and Tone class yesterday for the first time. She was bummed that a meeting stepped on Zumba which was the half-hour before it. As we were eating lunch she's staring at me with a shocked expression trying to describe the class, "Oh I felt that one!" pleased with her soreness. If she provides more detail I'll pass it on but right now she appears a bit shell shocked. She's not into the weight loss thing (like I am - if you've ever seen her you'd know why) but is very interested in gaining strength. She's hoping to be able to attend more of these types of classes, when her schedule permits.
How am I doing? I'm glad you asked! My descent into madness continues unabated. (Consider this a cry for help)
- Yesterday I actually piled more brocolli on my salad!
- I just put The New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle on reserve at the library having stumbled across something called Turbulence Training. Apparently I can lose weight and I'm sick of eying my gut every time I do one of Bubbles Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexion thingys.
- I'm in full scheme mode with bikerGirl and my wife about how we're going to handle the logistics of riding our bikes into work (well bikerGirl and I anyway, my wife is demuring on the bike commute thing) - I'm looking at adding an additional trunk pack to go along with my panniers to carry the extra gym stuff in.
I've stumbled across previous Monthly Member Spotlights and have read all of them posted. Some of the folk I don't know, but Marathon Man, tireTosser and awesomeGirl I've read yours and even though they are inspiring I fully plan to use them against you. Just a little head up there.

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