What's up with that???!!! Huh?
Are we not highly trained athletes, our bodies finely tuned to repetitive tasks? If there's one thing we can to well it's repetition, RIGHT?!
I took it upon myself to set matters right with the universe.
Beer after lonely beer I consumed this weekend finally stopping around twenty, I could do NO MORE. My father offered to help saying, "Bill, I sure could use one of those ice cold beers after all that yard work we did!" I had been pressed into service on the big pine tree clearing project of 09 followed by various other 'challenges' that left my lower back twingy.
I glared up at him from the gutter I had ensconced myself in. I could tell at a glance he cared little for Ally's back. Still he'd done good work carrying huge amounts of brush on his tractor over to the neighbor's yard where we found a nice place to dump it next to his driveway. It's his problem now.
He took a long pull from his beer and told me stories from the ago an a bright spring afternoon.
So, yeah, Ally those twenty or so cans are from me and my dad. We care about your cause, deeply, even if others don't. We've got your back!
So how about it everyone, pick up a cool one and call out, "This Bud's for you Ally!" OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, NOT THAT BUD YOU DOLTS! PUT THE BONG DOWN! No wonder the poor girl can't get any cans.
Today was a quiet Monday at the gym, a good thing given the size of my hangover and I did the total body thing. I can tell holidays are going to be a problem for yours truly. Too many tempting treats laying about and as we all know I'm a weak, weak man! Still I managed to weigh out one pound lighter than last week - grin!
At 4:30PM today IronMan and I plan to once again enter the Zumba arena. This one is titled Zumba for Beginners. I suspect Bubbles is hinting that it might be best for all of us if we start there. I hope to see you there!
PS: Looks like I forgot to turn the Garmin off - sigh - I didn't do a two hour cool down :-)

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