Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Temperamental Tuesday and the Zen of Trepidation

I feel better today than yesterday. At least right now. I've got a whole day in front of me.

I entered the empty gym listening to the quiet huffing of AT Everest as she continued her assault on Mt. Everest. The girl will never summit, but I don't think she'll give up. awesomeGirl shows up a bit later and both of us share dark moods on this temperamental Tuesday with quiet mutterings about lack of desire being here. I'm beginning to think it gets like that, but I hope you break out of it or at least get use to it.

It's kinda lacking fun at the moment, more like required work. When did it become required? My wife (who, for the record, I loveth) gave me the what for last night when I was busted for indulging in my second piece of birthday cake. She was telling me, "You've worked so hard!" with a hint of fear in her voice. Trepidation at the return of Flabby Bill. We've been married for awhile so she knows me, and knows that my recent musings in this blog are no laughing matter.

Still, I glared at her as I was stomping back to the garage where we keep the corpse of my birthday cake refrigerated, carrying said cake close to my chest like a newborn. I was thinking, "Yes, I've worked so hard, I've been under a lot of pressure of late, it is my birthday, and if I want to eat my cake I should be able to without anyone shooting off flares and calling the police." I kept these thoughts to myself because I didn't want to tangle over it.

So, who's right?

Both of us.

I weighed in a pound lighter than yesterday but that doesn't matter much, what matters is holding this weight until I'm ready to make another move on it. So I'm grateful that my wife cares. I also want extra cake at times too though.

I'm wrapping up my workout this morning when J-TOSRV asks, "When are you going to spin class?" this was after bikerBabe posted on facebook a similar thought, "Maybe you should join me for a few spinning classes at the Rec Center to mix it up some. I'll let you know when I'm going and show you the ropes your first class. It would be a change of pace, but doesn't remove the stressor." AND my wife in the car after lunch saying, hmmmmm, I don't know... MAYBE I SHOULD JOIN A SPIN CLASS?

I've done a spin class so I don't have that deer in the headlights look I had when I went on the Fun Run. I know exactly what this class is all about.

Super, have a birthday and you get to face the Secret Spin Cabal!

sigh - we all know it's gonna happen...

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