Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

'The Troubles' reappeared. These are technical issues and I thought we had resolved them but alas no. It is ongoing and I'm sick of being reactive to it and am going to go more proactive on the things I can effect.

I got a support call last night that I had to deal with (along with others, Bill is not alone in this) so when I got up I was not in the mood to work out. Being a creature of habit I did show up at the gym and gabbed with IronMan, Kingsley, awesomeGirl and goodMood. AT Everest was even there having survived my attempt at manslaughter yesterday. I didn't even need a shower (the hot water has been restored) though I did towel my jaw off, it got a pretty good workout.

I was soooo hoping to talk about this book today but it will have to wait. I want to geek out with Bubbles over it and figure out how we should tackle my attempt next spring at a century (100 miles) on the bike. Plus, when I ride with TomS, I simply must drop him, in short I don't want to be the wheezy one. Alas gab about the aerobic engine, glycolytic energy systems, overload and recovery principals, VO2max and the dreaded lactate threshold will have to wait for another day.

I have other things to do at the moment.

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