Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sooner or Later, Your Legs Give Way, You Hit the Ground

DAMMIT! I'm busted by JRock trying to sneak past the United Way armada arrayed in the lobby at work. She's making 'come hither' motions while I stare blearily back at her while trying to hide the fact that I'm leaning on the elevator button.

JRock is dealing in death today, the table, even from the twenty feet I'm standing from it, is covered in death, death for charity. Cookies, fudge, rice crispy treats, all sorts of ways to die, sanctioned by the United Way. Well not sanctioned exactly - you can just give them money and not buy the Buckeyes of Torment for all they care, but they're good, real good!

I dart into the elevator refusing to make further eye contact after promising to be back and ponder the day's events at the gym.

I get up late, get into the gym late and am finally dragged from the locker room by IronMan who's waited long enough for my candy ass to make an appearance. It's good to see him, his truck has been repaired which he was lamenting since he was quite enjoying being chauffeured all about town. awesomeGirl gives me a big grin and I focus on the upright bike.

Today is suppose to be some sort of twenty minute tempo workout on the bike (followed by Bubbles' ABS for itsy-bitsy baby Bill who refuses to man up to the REAL ABS course).

Um, OK.

I set the bike up, hop on and start slowly pedaling, looking around noting the otherPonyTail was already hard at work (I am late huh?). goodMood's music station has changed format or something, it's filled with whiny slow, screw me I'm sensitive Jackson Brown crap. I can feel it already sapping my will to live so I grab the iPod buds, mash them in and glance over at a confused goodMood who's on an elliptical of all things wondering aloud how that happened and why wasn't he on the stair climber.

Poor bastard, he's on his own. Filled with righteous Darwinism I flip on the iPod, mash 'Quick Start' set the level to seven and immediately go for a cadence over 100. It's a near sprint for me. I close my eyes and hammer out the cadence to the music feeling the need for fast tempo work.

I'm not sure when I made the decision but I think it was around minute three. I popped the level up to eight and decided to hold my cadence above 100 for the entire workout or until exhaustion hit, whichever came first. I didn't care.

I was able to use most of the songs to hold the cadence except for Counting Crows Round Here.

Round here, we don't need this song...

I'm doing my best to keep my eyes shut, loosing myself in whatever tune is playing and occasionally peeking at the cadence which usually read around 102. The last five minutes were tough, the last minute wasn't too bad but I was nervous about the stats and sprinting any harder was out of the question. When the twenty minutes were up I hit stop and pedaled along looking for the two stats I was most interested in...

Average Level 7.7
Average Cadence 101

I staggered around a bit cleaning the bike before starting ABS when I noticed, hey I'm alone! How did that happen? I AM LATE!

I'm on my last ABS routine laying flat on my back with a stability ball between my feet deciding whether to nap or do the exercise when Bubbles strolls over and asks what I'm doing. She's had enough of my 'gentleman exerciser' gig I guess so I do eight of them before breaking, rest for twenty seconds or so and then do four more. Done.

Bubbles is in front of a TV monitor staring at the highlights from last nights Cavaliers' game. myPeg is behind her on an elliptical watching too. Bubbles is trying to use her formidable mental powers to alter reality and change the outcome of the game but to no avail. I'm wondering what the heck pro basketball is doing on in the first place and why baseball is going into November? Pretty soon all this madness will be on year round, twenty-four seven. I liked it better when there were seasons for this stuff, but that's just me I guess, some old fogey, but there use to be this anticipation, now it feels like more of the same.

I stagger into the locker room kinda shakey (hypoglycemic? probably). Sit around for a few and then shower, weigh in (lost a pound ::shrug::), dress and head out into a whole new world!

The gym has been transformed. Odd. Gone is the quiet desperation of the morning crew, that let's get this over with vibe. There are unicorns and pixies and flowers and joy and... well there was joy anyway. I see noNeed over on an upright grinning, happyGirl two bikes down giggling with Quality sitting between them reading the newspaper on a recumbent.

As I stroll over I note EVERY machine is in use except the two stair climbers, filled with happy to be here people.


I feel like a Russian novelist struggling in some gulag next to them. Where is the Sturm und Drang so prevalent with the morning crew?

Two dozen other stupid reasons
Why we should suffer for this
Don't bother trying to explain them
Just hold my hand while I come
To a decision on it

I'm envious. I shoot the breeze with noNeed and happyGirl for a few before heading into JRock's carefully laid trap. And yeah, I went back and got some tasty cookies and a little something for the wife along with breakfast.

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