Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stress and Promises

I'm on autopilot. I went into the gym and did a half-assed version of the Thursday routine. I did most of the routines but my heart wasn't in it. I noticed that I'm going to have to do more (more like any, even one) stretches since I was feeling particularly stiff.

As I was unlocking my empty locker which is just totally surreal when you think about the circumstances that lead to that little measure I noticed the sauna was set to 'fat melt' or 10. I made a mental note to take one after the workout. I miss them.

On my way into the gym my jaw mentally drops as I see a sweat covered MarathonMan staggering towards me. He tells me he's coming back and actually picks up my spirits a bit telling me that we all go through these kind of burnout funks. We're staring at the gym wall that is plastered with all this Dealing With Stress wisdom. As I skim it one of the tips makes me smile ruefully:

Remove the Stressor

Um, yeah. I've been trying to 'remove the stressor' for almost four months now. I would LOVE to remove the stressor! My problem is the stressor has other thoughts.

There was all this other babble about healthy ways of dealing with stress, like massages and scented candles...


Where my head's at I'm far more interested in UNhealthy ways of dealing with stress at the moment. Bill's way past the healthy option here. No, no, no we're deep into the land of inappropriate ways of dealing with stress and coping with incredible guilt the morning after now. It's the only possibility. It's the right thing to do!

Quality time with the demons is now required. I'm not sure when that's gonna happen but it IS gonna happen.

I fill out the Fall Fitness BINGO card which is a new game they're trying at the gym. I'll see how that goes, you can win prizes like a Gas Card but what's intriguing to me is the attempt to try something new.

I totally blew that last game they had down those lines but maybe I'll find time to
  • Take a ZUMBA class - again
  • Play Racquetball - hmmmm
  • Research the calorie, fat and sodium content of your favorite restaurant meal
  • Take a strength training or cardio kick class
There are some goofy ones in there too but they're low hanging fruit
  • Take 5 slow deep breaths & think of beautiful mountain vistas and coastal sunsets
  • Football toss - complete 2 of 10 tosses
  • Corn hole toss - complete 2 of 10 tosses
  • Wear your favorite team t-shirt
Who knows - I've already lost two cards so I'm not sure I'll get into the grand prize drawings or whatnot but I'd rather be in ZUMBA or complaining about some new horror course - baby steps.

Keep focused on the stressor at hand, keep the promise of blowing off serious steam with the demons once it's addressed and then ZUMBA my butt off.

I sit in the sauna, I do not sweat. Stupid sauna.

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