Tuesday, October 20, 2009


All was quiet in the gym today. I got there and it was just AT Everest and me for awhile until awesomeGirl and IronMan strolled in. I suffered on the BOSU trying to do these one leg things. I blow at them and end up looking like a drunk on the silly thing.

I'm not sure what I need here, motivation? Work continues to wear and this is a real struggle for yours truly. I'm tired today, perhaps I caught the trendy swine flu that seems to be gripping the nation. My daughter came back from CCD yesterday looking grim and sad while she trudged upstairs to take her temperature, convinced she was next to wear the surgeon's mask since she didn't feel 'good.'

A bit later she miserably calls down, "98.6" her voice filled with the knowledge of upcoming weeks laying on her deathbed watching SpongeBob Squarepants.

"Um, yeah, that's a normal temp."

"It is?"


Crises averted we resumed our normal family life.

And that's what I pine for, a return to normality across the board. Now don't get me wrong my family life is awesome so if the great Gog is gonna say it's one or the other then I'm picking the current status-quo.

I did Bubbles' Tuesday routine and as I type this I realize I have yet to enter those routines here - sigh. Had a nice walk with my wife last night and when I weighed in this morning saw that I managed to put on two pounds overnight.

Am I PMSing? What gives with this funky fatigue? Oh well, life bangs on and so must I. First thing I'm gonna do is start counting calories again and then see if I can find out why I'm so tired, swine flu? I'm eating well and taking my vitamins, upcoming birthday? Whatever it is it is mine to deal with but at the moment I just want some downtime from work and that wont happen anytime soon (soon meaning, um, now).

Have a great day. On the plus side I'm gonna toss a hardball with my daughter after work, I'm looking forward to that.

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