Monday, October 26, 2009

Sixties Idiot

Gawd I hate intervals! I had a rough night falling asleep, not sure why probably worrying about the stupid intervals, but when the alarm went off this morning I turned it off and snuggled back up to my wife. It could have been due to the brutal partying I did on Sunday, my birthday.

Well let's see, what did I get? Well besides an AWESOME family I got some prezzies. A bicycle repair book and a movie from my wife. The bicycle repair book pretty much taught me that I should call a mechanic. My son gave me a very funny self made birthday card along with a mirror for my bike helmet, a towel the size of a half dollar (just add water! Huh? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a towel?), and some energy packs of various varieties for me to try on my next epic bike ride. My daughter gave me a nice water bottle that I have next to me at the office here. And my parents gave me a some money and my in-laws sent a nice card from Poland. Then we went and played 18 holes of Frisbee golf which was a lot of fun.

The cake was classic, wanna see?

Nothing says Happy Birthday like Spongebob!

So this morning I woke up not feeling the best. Flu? Not sure, I'm not achy or anything but I'm tired and a tad pukey feeling. I make my morning coffee and ponder this upcoming Monday, sigh, and head into the gym.

I'm late (for me) but awesomeGirl, AT Everest, goodMood, ponyTail, the otherPonyTail, and a few others are there. I get on an upright bike and do the intervals. I'm not exactly discouraged but I'm definitely not in the mood and I'm SICK of being not in the mood! I'm also growing annoyed with my fear of pain and putting off the next level of these intervals. I've been doing one minute work, two minutes recovery forever. Next step is to do one minute work, one minute thirty seconds recovery leading to one minute work, one minute recovery.


So I made myself do the one on two off intervals. Late into the gym if I was to accomplish anything at all it was gonna be those hated intervals. I staggered around feeling crappy, wiped the machine down and did a few ABS but a lot of stretches. Weighed in at 203 (GROAN but who am I kidding, did you SEE that Spongebob cake???).

I say hi to J-TOSRV who's gotten off the stairclimber and on to an upright bike. She's punishing herself in ways I can't imagine, well OK I can imagine but I won't go there - whatever crimes she's atoning for are her's alone. Her hubby, D-TOSRV is recuperating from an ailment and I ask how he's doing. Fine I hear, which is good in case you're wondering about him.

I'll deal with the weight later, right now I'm a sixties idiot trying to 'find myself' in the gym again.

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