Monday, October 19, 2009

The Tao of IronMan

First things first:
(Her birthday was on Saturday)

One woe doth tread upon another's heel, so fast they follow...

Friday: Well it's the return of the threads, and so what? I'm beyond exasperated at this point and learned helplessness has set in. That was the attitude I woke up with this morning and foolishly glanced at my email. More fun was had last night as the threads cavort and pursue their evil mischief.

So I was going to go into the gym, change and go to work all mopey and crap, full of woe is me. However I happen to glance in and see IronMan huffing away on a recumbent so I put my stuff in my locker and go over and tell IronMan my sad, sad tale.

He hops off the bike and say, "Come with me."

The next thing I know I'm doing bear-crawls across the length of the basketball court and lunge steps on the way back. On the second trip with the bear crawls my legs give out at midcourt. I manage to resume and end up losing total body function and go slamming into the wall a heaving, gasping wreck.

And they say exercise isn't fun.

I manage to lunge walk back and I am done with that! I had the illusion I was in fair shape until I did that nightmare. I wistfully eye the defibrillator and oxygen tank as I head back down the hallway. The rest was IronMan's ABS class which tore me up pretty well.

And when it was all said and done I felt better and was glad I did it.

Thanks IronMan.

It's Sunday now and I'm wondering how to do a work out. My daughter wants to toss the baseball and my son wants to play frisbee golf. I want to encourage both activities, number one because I enjoy them and number two because it gets them away from computer monitors. Will I get to the gym? Not sure but I hope so.

The gym and baseball never happened but seven or so holes of frisbee golf did! We all enjoy it, well except my wife who's struggling with her throw. Did you know there are frisbee discs specifically for golf? When you think about it, of course there are but I had no idea. We got some but alas they didn't help much, but my son followed by my daughter tend to dominate the game. This is what it looks like when Bill plays:

It's fun. I plan to get my wife out in the back yard and work with her on her toss (not that mine is any great shakes but currently it's better than hers).
Then Monday rolled around and it's back on the gerbil wheel. I decided to do a 35 minute tempo burn and then see how I felt after that which was tired. I have to go into work and write somethings up so I'm feeling a little time crunched so I did the bear-crawl/lunges across the basketball court thing.
Well one of them anyway, it jacked my HR up to 144 and destroyed my thighs so I waddled back into the gym where I was put to harsh interrogation by IronMan.
"How many did you do?"
"Awww come on you can do more than that! Come with me."
So, at gunpoint, I was taken back into the basketball court by IronMan and made to do another. I barely beat him in the bear-crawl but had my butt handed to me on the lunges back. HR got up to 155 on that one.
Then, we headed back into the gym where we sang (in beauteous harmony) Happy Birthday to awesomeGirl. This irritated goodMood since we hit such beautiful notes it shorted out the stair climber he was on and he had to reprogram it.
The Tao of IronMan can best be summed up like this, "Do one more than you think you can and do all of them to the best of your ability."
The Tao of Bill for today: It's Monday - deal with it!

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