Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the Grip of the Threads

Well last night was fun... The issues with the system continue and it stresses me out like no tomorrow when I'm in the grip of the threads.

I staggered into the gym today and did the Thursday routine but... anyway I went through the motions and I'm not sure how to keep any motivation going at this point. I know exercise is suppose to help when one is in the grip of the threads but after awhile confusion sets in and I lose sight of importance.

Is it more important to try and sleep and show up at work early to attack an ephemeral issue that some very big brains can't identify?

Is it more important to try and sleep and exercise with increasing feelings of fatigue because you were thrown off schedule the previous evening dealing with the threads?

Kind of a judgment call huh? I opted for the gym and spent a distracted hour kinda working out - sigh.

Not sure how to deal with this, maybe experience will better guide me in the future. Not that I EVER want to experience this again.

Have a great day!

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