Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Day

The get together I first thought of here will be on 5 June 09! Now that I have a date I'll try and flesh it out further as the date approaches. I hope you all can make it!!! I'll stick it over on the sidebar soon.

I managed to get to the 4:30pm Zumba class. It is not like riding a bike, you don't just resume where you left off. The class was mostly women though I was joined by the guy who'll try anything. I need to name him but it hasn't come to me yet. He's the best male Zumba dancer I've ever seen and I've seen (counts fingers) three!

Bubbles wept openly upon seeing me at her class. She claimed it was allergies but I could tell by the way she was dabbing her nose that she was truly touched.

Everyone assumed their police line up positions and Bubbles started the music grinning ear to ear. I'm laying on the floor of my room again feeling various muscles that haven't been used maybe ever kinda complaining about the wake up call.

The thing about Zumba is you're just trying to keep up with Bubbles and having a ball doing so not conscious of the workout aspect of it. I hope I never take it seriously because the fun will flow right out of it.

I can't tell you a lot about it since it becomes a haze of bad footwork and off tempo but one lady asked Bubbles to play this song I'd never heard before and there were steps that reminded me of a cross between some sort of Asian dance and a ho-down.

There were the typical moves I remembered like "Back off gringo!" and "I despise your Zumba technique!" which are always fun along with "I bow to you before twirling your sombrero over my head in a taunting fashion!" All classic Zumba moves end with and exclamation point.

It's a great fun course, make time for it if you can.

Today I got to sleep in since I was getting Bubble's new routine - I can't tell you much about it because we ended up modifying it on the fly - I will mention it's evil and will post it later. It looked fun and new and that's a good thing.

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