Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday Night at Bill's Dates

OK here are the two proposed dates:
  • Friday 22 May 09
  • Friday 5 June 09
email me what works best for you and I'll kick back up the chosen date. I'm thinking this would be a sort of potluck thingy and this Friday looks super for it. I can't see far enough into the future to predict the 5th or I'd be very wealthy. Of course it could be just a hangout thingy too or both or sheesh I'm over thinking this aren't I? I just want to have fun with you guys...

I'll provide hamburgers and hotdogs and a fire pit for s'mores.

I want this to be super casual so come when you can and leave when you want. As usual I don't have a CLUE as to what I'm doing so be prepared for that.

Did the total body thing today - it went OK but I'm looking forward to Bubble's new routine.

MarathonMan forgot to turn on the sauna so I did it for him but it was too late I guess since it takes twenty five minutes to warm up according to him. I wonder, "When did he time it?" Anyway he pronounces it 'too cold' with an air of a true sauna aficionado.

I'm slacking and it's time to tighten up DARN IT! I hop on the scale and I'm at 208, ONE LOUSY POUND from the first goal - why must I be teased so? ::gnaws ho-ho nervously::

It's obvious that I'm afraid to cross this line. ::orders second slice of cake::

Well, how bad do I want it? PRETTY BAD so let's see...

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