It goes like this:
- Dynamic Warm Up: Draw "U" with knee (flex ft), Side Leg Swings (point toe), Front Leg Swings (point toe), Cross Arms, Pec/Delts (15 reps each)
- MB Medial Flexion - Lateral Lunge: Hold medicine ball above head and flex towards bent knee 15-20
- MB Squat - High Chest Pass: Perform squat jump - chest pass on even reps 16-20
- Rear Delt Row Machine: 1st set wide grip 15lbs; 2nd set vertical grip 75lbs 15-20
- DB Squat and Biceps Curls: Wide stance squat; curl both arms as you squat 12lbs 15-20
- DB Front Lunge - Triceps Extension: Hold DB with both hands, extend arms above head as you lower back knee close to the ground 8lb 15-20
- 15 minute cardio
- Monday & Friday: Complete this workout with a 10 minute cardio session and the flexibility routine
- Wednesday: Follow the workout as shown above with either interval workout or elliptical workout
- Tuesday & Thursday: Complete 30 minutes of cardio and core workout
And then the true nature of Bubbles' evil was revealed, the fifteen minute cardio. I hopped on the elliptical and decided to do a tempo workout. Get my HR up and hold it. Fifteen minutes is a cruel time, not short enough to be casual about and not long enough to psych yourself up for it.
Fifteen minutes plays mind-games with you. I jack the level up to twelve and you can see my HR takes straight off and sweat starts almost immediately. I get puffy pretty fast but nothing I can't control and I'm hammering along when I glance down at the clock, how much longer?
Oh sweet merciful lord! So I bang on but the clock time was s-l-o-w and since I've already done this other work I am feeeeeling it. TV was no good I mean it was the usual news crap I guess along with the weather I think. My eyes were darting around looking for something to keep my mind off the clock. It's really weird, the time - I mean of course I can do it - I do 45 mins on Tuesday and Thursday and so I know I'm going to make it but it's hard.
I honestly can't describe how it feels, darn it.
I came off it and the five minute cool down feeling exactly like I do coming off the forty-five minutes covered with sweat and full of endorphins, kinda grinning. I'm also dreading it on Friday for the above reasons.
Nice, Bubbles, niiiccceeee.
You should try that sometime - do your lifting, whatever and finish with the cardio instead of starting with it.
Word on the street is AllyMcBeal rode her bike in today. I just ran down and checked it out. I grin at it's unpretentious retro look. It's a used Magna with a water bottle cage (Ally simply MUST get a Hello-Kitty water bottle for that!) sitting among these $1,000 bikes (mine will soon be one of them) and it looks cool as hell! The only other thing I'd recommend for her (more than the water bottle which is about 'the look' given the distance she's going) is a bike bell (I like this one) so she can ring it when coming up behind folk on the bicycle path. I've found it much easier to notify folk your approaching then screaming "On your left" or trying to creep by. It's loud enough to give them notice well away from you, let them look around and share the path.
Cool bike Ally!
I'm dying to ride mine in but at 5AM it's still a bit nippy for me, but I might tomorrow anyway.

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