Sunday, May 3, 2009

Saturday Slow Tempo

Well things went fine with the doc but Friday wasn't as stress free as I hoped. At the moment (Sunday evening) I'm figuring that this week I'm gonna have to get to the gym early, and then get to work. We'll see how this plays out - hopefully well. But my mind isn't on exercising, so expect preoccupied blog entries when I can get to them.

Saturday I got up, went into the gym. The muscle pull on my inner right thigh was complaining pretty bad. I hopped on the recombinant and set it for some sort of fat burner at some level around six I think and went for forty minutes.

I'm already pressed for time, which I'm not enjoying. I want a Saturday where I have no angst and time on my hands. I've had them before and can't wait for the next one. Now I know to savor it. Some like casual Fridays I'm all for casual Saturdays.

Plus I wanted to take a sauna.

And I wanted to give a mini-review of Dylan's latest album Together Through Life but didn't get through all of it.


I guess we all have days like that huh?

So I took a quick sauna, ran to the gas station for my big cup of coffee, got home and then grabbed the wheelbarrow so that I could help move fifteen cubic yards of mulch for my daughters school. Then I was pretty tired and thank heavens for my wife she mowed some of the SWAMP that is our lawn and I finished that up.

Sunday was me attempting to relax hoping Monday goes better. Never thought I'd say that.

I hope you had a great weekend!

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