Thursday, October 14, 2010

Conversion Rate

Day... I'm no longer sure - it seems like I've always been a poddie. We tend to stick in our pod now cuz the people outside our pod are well... peculiar, talk weird and look at us funny. When venturing outside the pod we tend to move in packs for safety. Occasionally some tour guide will come through leading a horde of tourists snapping pictures of us phreaks. We ignore them.

It's an interesting feeling entering a hostile pod and every pod that isn't our pod is hostile. I accidentally strolled into the ND pod yesterday. Angry eyes glare up at you, their faces mirroring each others with this, "I was THIS CLOSE to developing universal authentication until you strolled in you nimrod! WHAT DO YOU WANT OUTSIDER?!" Breaking eye contact I flee their pod.

I noticed yesterday when I was in someone's coffin cubicle how claustrophobic it was. How do they stand being alone, isolated, secluded? Where's their safety in the pack when the killing starts? Poor bastards.

Epiphanies abound as the pod conversion rate accelerates.

We're a virtuous pod, irreproachable and because of that we've started dressing like Hit-Girl from the movie Kick Ass. Our purple wigs making us easily identifiable to one another when outside the pod in that churning mass known as humanity.

A Recent Photo of Bill in a Righteous Design Discussion

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