Monday, August 24, 2009

Missed Goals

Sunday morning I noticed the above. Well I definitely mismanaged this, darn it. I could lay a million excuses at your feet but in the end it doesn't matter. I missed it, end of story.

That weighed on me throughout Sunday, an annoyance in the back of my head. So thanks to my wife we took care of it. I rode to a local park and did loops until...

I'm really grateful to my family for helping me make this goal. My wife and son showed up a bit later and my wife is a hoot on the bike groaning at every upward incline. We hung out at a picnic table eating raspberries and mini-cupcakes before riding back together. So I put 24 miles on the bike during my "day off."

We also attended a local hot air balloon show. All in all a great weekend.

This morning I got up and did the total body thing. I managed to break my glasses yesterday so I can't ride the bike in or they'll fall off. I'm very bitter about that bad luck but hopefully can get them repaired today. The place doesn't open until 10am.

Feeling pretty full of myself and all my weekend work I stepped on the scales.

I gained a pound :-(

Yes, I ate sweets this weekend and blah, blah, blah but I honestly feel like I'm burning some serious calories too. What gives?

Bubbles is going to mess with my routine starting tomorrow giving me more cardio than I probably want. Hopefully by the start of next week I'll be back on track. My next target weight is 190 pounds but I'm beginning to feel like it's unattainable, this trade off between lifestyle (Bill does enjoy his treats) and gym work.

So here I sit staring myopically into my monitor wondering what happens next.


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