Wednesday, August 19, 2009


There are men, and then there are MEN like IronMan, Diablo, goFast, intoIt and goodMood. Last night at 7pm TomS joined their manly ranks. Scoffing at costs TomS threw himself into road biking with abandon. Need a helmet? A pump, gloves and shoes? Buy them. His whole 'in for a penny' attitude shows that he's determined to make this work as a workout vehicle for him. Walking wasn't cutting it, too many ailments from his marathon days.

And I remember TomS from his running days, his dedication to it. I honestly think this will work for him and shortly he'll be logging long miles on his bike.

Wanna see it?


TomS's mighty Trek 2.1
Having given up all hope for a Tuesday delivery at 2:33pm I was surprised to receive a text from TomS, "IT'S HERE!!!" His excitement palpable. He needed our minivan since he couldn't cram the bike into his car and I wanted to go along anyway. It's not everyday you get to be there "when it all began..."

We went to the Trek store and he was clipped into his bike on a trainer while a dude watched him. He looked good and no adjustments were needed to be made. TomS bought two water bottle cages and was given two water bottles gratis, we put the bike on the top of the car and headed back to his place. He took the bike out for a few lazy laps and then called it a day due to darkness.

A blur of biking fury TomS rides by...
Later I received word that some miscreant had 'borrowed' his daughter's bike. In a flash TomS rode the villain down and recovered the bike feeling a bit exposed without a helmet, no blinkies and it being dusk at the time.

Perhaps, one day, I'll join them in the MAN club... awwwww who am I kidding?

My Garmin has confused itself on the date and time figuring today's workout happened on April 1st, 2007 at 6:04 PM.

::sigh:: I'll have to figure that out. Turns out it needed to talk to some satellites to get the correct date and time - go figure.

I blew through today's workout, once again not riding the bike in but it was already very muggy and probably going to rain. I hope you enjoyed yesterday's nice weather.

As I left the gym I passed marathonMan on his way in to do the triathlon (1500 meters rowing, 5 miles cycling and 2 miles running - all on machines). Another manly man. I hope he logged a great time!

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