Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Blackout

Ever wake up with blood all over your hands and no recollection of how it got there? Yeah? Me too. I'm still suffering from the side effects of yesterday's bike/bicep/abs extravaganza. Neurons that disconnected in horror during the ordeal have yet to realize that the coast is clear and it's OK to come back. REALLY!

I promise not to do it again until next time.

The day did not start off well, I forgot my heart rate monitor strap! I empty my gym bag out and nada. I consult my mental Magic Eight Ball, "What would Bubbles do?" Oh yeah, she'd laugh in my face and tell me to quit stalling. It was bound to happen sooner or later but still - it irritates me when it finally happens. So all I have is a fist full of affidavits from Diablo, ponyTail, IronMan, awesomeGirl and goodMood swearing I was there along with this lame metric chart from the Garmin.

bitter sigh

I'm running around on my total body thingy still avoiding the stair climber, but that upcoming nightmare is now planted in the back of my mind and there will have to be a showdown. It's time to saddle up soldier and join General Custer for a seven minute last stand.

There seemed to be a lot of Bubbles related suffering today, ponyTail on a recombinant, awesomeGirl on the treadmill neither looking happy about it. I plop down next to ponyTail on another recombinant and ask how's it going? She mutters, "Twenty minutes to go. I seem to be having trouble getting my heart rate up to where 'she' wants it."

I relate that I have similar difficulty on a recombinant. ponyTail thinks it's because it's too easy for her to back off on the machine. She might have a point. For me it's ramping up to the target zone, once I get there I can usually hold it.

Meanwhile IronMan is telling goodMood about the next RackRun! scheduled for Thursday. I won't name names ::cough::JRock::cough:: but a certain someone has modified the routine. Oh boy! He prepares by whipping a manhole cover around like it was a medicine ball.

Diablo is headed to spring training down in Florida for a few days and a substitute trainer will be about. I wonder if I'll meet her and if she'll end up 'tagged'. He also says the Gym 411 membership thing went well with I believe seven new members, plus a few renewals, signed up in two hours and fifteen minutes. Not bad! He's considering getting more face time over at the big house, maybe in August.

OH! OH! Check this out. Yesterday my blog entry was late because I got sucked into some four hour meeting that turned into a blue bar day (manager speak for being booked in meetings, I'm totally blue barred, blah blah blah) so I had to commit a Fat Tuesday Cardinal Sin and do some work from home in the evening sigh it always starts small doesn't it? Anyhoo I had promised my son the night before that we'd do a little workout. Wrestling season is over and I want him to be a little active.

Sitting in a big cushy chair, I'm cranky because I pushed it and now I have to do at least a little work. I spend time on the computer getting things set up for today etc. shut it down and head into the the bedroom. It's 9PM near my bedtime - awesome party monster that I am. My son is sitting on the couch reading a Discover magazine not saying a word.

I change into my jammies (sweats) and start packing the gym bag for today. I get most of it packed (forgetting the HR strap) when I remember my promise. I head back into the living room and say, "You ready?"

My son beams! He's still in jeans and whatnot but, oh yeah, he's ready teddy!

We start with push-ups and then trade various calisthenics. He's showing me some calisthenics that I just know I can't do - SpiderMan level. We try a few 'dead cockroaches' AKA Bubbles 'dead bugs' and what not - I can hang on some, others - nope. What fun! We're going to do it again tonight.

Totally worth a forgotten HR strap - have a great day!!!

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