Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Peek Into Hell

Today was an hour, low intensity work out - I did not 'push it' I had other things on my mind.

I'm frequently asked, "Bill, with all the bitching and moaning you do about exercising, in what sort of third world hell hole are you forced to strive towards reaching your inner Adonis?"

I shudder... at how poorly I crafted the above sentence.

Wanna see? Think you can HANDLE IT???

Okie-Dokey but you were warned!

Welcome to ze Stair Climber HA HA HA HA HA!

OKaaaay, OK! It's not quite that bad. Allow me to take you on a little tour of our gym here, a place I wish I had found earlier, a place that makes me proud I work at the company that provides it. A place I've grown pretty darned fond of, mainly because of the characters that inhabit it and swirl about it.

This entry may provide you with a frame a reference when I babble about things going on here.

The men's locker room, door to sauna on left. Quit giggling ladies!!!

I couldn't get a pic of the ladies locker room because of the restraining order.

Our basketball court where I endured the Abs class of shame - sigh

I really think we should play dodge ball with those fitness balls sometime. It would be funny.

A cubby where I shyly perform my ab workouts and stretch.

I guess I'll show you the cardio machines I babble about, but first let me turn all the TVs to FoxNews in homage to my parents and family in the South :-)

The elliptical machines are in the foreground.

The balance beams, er... treadmills

Exercise bikes, the recombinants are in the center, hard to see, sorry.

The dread Stair Climber

Here are some weights and benches that I'm not real aware of... yet.

The trainer desk where I whine a lot, which is why it's empty.

View from the trainer desk on a bunch of machines I don't know how to work

Pretty rough huh? :-)

As I think on it, this place looks a lot like where my mother's basement is headed. She collects exercise equipment.


Yeah I look pretty delightful at 5:30am... rueful smile. Thanks for visiting :-)

Here's another self-portrait.

Just a matter of perspective. As haggard as I look I honestly feel better!

Be well.

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