Monday, February 9, 2009

Inside the Ladies Locker

I think the best way to put it is that I got through today's workout. I felt blecky and hypoglycemic (even though I ate a banana) and at times wasn't sure if I was sweating from exercise or the onset of Ebola. Good times, good times. AT Everest picked my spirits up though when I was whining about the stair climber saying, "You just go do the best stair climber you have ever done!"

Well that didn't happen but I did seven minutes, clinging to the railings for dear life, wheezing like a geezer. I gotta make sure that I have some dude like The Machine in front of me during a Friday Fun Run so he can lug me up the stairs, he probably wont even notice the additional drag. I can just fall down the stairs when we get to the top.

I received several letters from the ladies about my pic of the mens' locker room saying that ours was better and that they were pretty jealous about it but not to worry my pretty little head. It was too bad that their suffering couldn't be brought to light. "Stupid restraining order!" most of them howled... in concert... like a concerted letter writing campaign...


Well never one to break a restraining order I managed to send in my investigative reporter Bill Supreme Gummy Bear! Yeah Patsy, who came out with these photographs of the woman's locker room about an hour after I sent him her in!

You be the judge!

Entrance/Lounge - Smoothie Bar Behind Photographer

The Ladies Lockers - Hey They Get Towels! How Come?!

Makeup Station? - I Don't Know What This Is Called In 'Girl-Talk.' Sauna to the left, shower to the right.

Womens' Suana

One of the Womens' Shower Rooms

Well they're right again, as usual. Ours IS better - far more functional. Sorry 'bout that girls!

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