Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Lethargy

I woke up this morning super tired, now it might be, just might be because I was up till 2am last night. I get out of bed at the ungodly hour of 7:30 and groggily head into the gym. I notice that my right quadricep feels pulled or sore, specifically my rectus femoris for those of you studying for med school. So why not the left one?

I'm limping around the gym deliberately deciding not to 'push it' at all. Will this turn from the month of 'push it' to the week of 'push it'? I don't know yet. My trainers keep telling me to listen to my body but its a little LIAR! Sometimes it tells me its tired and its not at all, its just not in the mood. Well who is?! sheesh!

I notice that the trainers have put up a channel listing... The Military Channel... what's this? Well it is Sunday. I punch in the channel number and hop on one of the upright bikes, setting the time for 20mins on fat burner, level five - yawn.

There's this bald headed dork (what's he think he is, a Sybase DBA? Poser) lecturing me on future weapons and getting to play with them. The LUCK! I mean who wouldn't want to get in some sort of tank thingy and shoot things AND get paid to look serious about it. That would be my failing, no probs on shaving whats left of my hair but not having fun blasting old cars and cardboard dudes 'attacking' me? Come on, "It blowed up goooood! REAL GOOD!"

I chew up around 100 cals on the bike limp off that, and practice my pelvic tilts and crunches... if I'm gonna face that fifteen minutes of fun fun fun on Tuesday I need to train for it. DARN IT I should have practiced sitting on fitness balls. I did amuse myself by holding a plank for a minute.

It's so pretty out when I head to the car that I think we might walk to church. So we did, church is about three fourths a mile away, 1.5 miles round trip. I burned 283 calories doing it. Naturally I hooked up the HR monitor and took the Garmin along. I got the added thrill of standing in mass (no seats, we got there late) wondering if anyone could see my 'bra' strap (HR Monitor) through my shirt. Mmhmm a serious phreak here. Now I'm thinking of a bike ride, with the Garmin fully hooked up, maybe a short ride - it is a rest day.

Bike Ride

I did a quick lap around the neighborhood, all hooked up, cadence indicator and HR monitor, truly a modern man. I wanted to see all the data the Garmin could report. Here's the metric chart:
You have to click on the image to see it in detail. This is all the data a Garmin Edge 305 returns when you have all the gizmos hooked up and what you would see with the Garmin Training Center software that's provided. OK, pretty cool.

Next I uploaded the data to MotionBased, an online site that Garmin owns I believe. Bliss!
Now I deliberately smudged the names of the street because I'm convinced you're out to get me :-) Obviously under the real software they're crystal clear. You have lots of dashboards to click on and play around with. Again click on the image to enlarge it.

The heart one interested me and even on a ten minute ride I found it interesting for the zones. Here's what it looks like.
You can see that I spent a majority of my time in zone 2.

Now its zones are based off of a 185bpm for my max HR. I don't know where they got that number but a compromise between my 174 and the trainer's 203 is 189 - I'm going to adjust my numbers to that and see what happens.

I'm just showing you all this stuff in case you're considering such a device. For me it kind of changed my life - LOL - it got me in the gym where I need to be, now I'm just a geeking fool.

The edge 305 is great for bikes, if you're more of the runner/walker ilk I'd go with the forerunner 305, which you wear on your wrist. I may have too much data displayed on the edge 305 to make it practical while actually riding but I might not be used to it yet either so I'm looking around for things like cadence right before I plow into a fire hydrant. I think after awhile it'll work with just a glance. I'll know where to look.

My cousin has a forerunner 305 and I'm waiting to hear her take on it. ::glares at cousin:: She does a lot of 5K runs.

What I'm learning is there are quite a few of you that might want to know what this thing does before buying it, or not. You can spend more money of course but if you have any questions about the edge 305 drop me a line. Both devices can be bought through Amazon.

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