Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Push It - Day Two

Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin stands as the greatest workout song of all time. There I said it, care to disagree? Too bad she died a few days after recording it from a heroin overdose. The soulful, bluesy way she belts those lyrics out gets me going. It was all I could do NOT to sing while hammering out a happy pace on the elliptical.

Well after twenty four hours of 'pushing it' I can report back it pretty much blows, but I'm not ready to give up yet.

Today I decided to go for 144bpm (71% MaxHR) for 45 minutes. I ended up going an hour with an average of 145bpm! I'm pretty pleased with that, after a certain point it seems to get easy, that would be the hour mark for me.

Of course there was drama.

If you look at the heart chart it occurs at about the 58 minute mark where you see a dip in the HR before it starts climbing due to my RAGE! I'm plodding along figuring with two minutes to go that this is a done deal and I'm looking for stats... how many strides have I've taken?

I reach over to punch the stat button to move it off of miles to strides and hit the 'Reset' button. Suddenly my legs are swinging wildly going from level eleven to one and the machine has lost all stats.

CNTL-Z, CNTL-Z There is no 'undo'!

Darn it!



The stream of profanity that slewed through my mind would have melted your eyebrows clean off.

After getting the machine set back up I finish out my two minutes or so and storm straight for the showers. I feel a bit better ("He got better") now. Off to push it in other arenas - Have a great day! Me? I'm hoping to meet the engineer who designed that elliptical :-)

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