Friday, July 31, 2009


I know the question foremost on your mind is, "Did Bill complete the Pacific Crest Trail in time?"

Well it rained AGAIN so wimpyBill did not ride the bike into the gym. This rain is annoying and interfering with my plans of completing the trail. All I could do was Bubbles' Total Body Workout. I'll be dropping dime on her shortly to get a new routine since I'm beginning to amuse myself by doing it backwards.

I predict that awesomeGirl will have the most productive Friday EVER since she's on vacation when school's out today - mmhmm, that's why she's awesome! Her beloved elliptical was being used by Alex Trebek so she climbed up on the StairMaster for some ritual scourging of her exercise soul.

IronMan continued to blacken his.

I was adjusting the recumbent when IronMan hopped off his StairMaster and made me finish his routine! There's a definite pecking order in the gym and since I'm the 'new' guy I have to finish my betters routines whenever requested. Five minutes at level nine.

I hop off that pretty sweaty, wipe the machine down and go over to the bench press where I'm practicing just benching the forty-five pound bar. There's an art to it if you want to do it right and definitelyNeedsaName was explaining it to me. I hope I remember it since it will maximize my workouts.

So I'm bench pressing along when IronMan strolls over and puts an additional ten pounds on the bar! He's prepping me to do his presses I'm certain. While I'm gamely struggling under that weight he's telling me that next time he decides to misbehave when time crunched I get to go to McDonald's and pick the food up, probably pay for it too.

I'm beginning to feel like I'm fitting in with all the hazing going on :-)

I wrap the workout up, feeling a bit bummed because I know I didn't really hammer it today, hop in the car and go home. It would have been better on the bike but whatever. Everyone is still asleep so I plop down on a chair and dutifully enter my activities and food into my FitDay account.

At first my reaction to FitDay was tepid but as I've entered more data into it the more useful it's become. Some of you have seen my 'salads' (I use the term loosely) but FitDay gives you a 'Recent Foods...' drop down that I thought was so-so until I discovered the 'More >>' option off of it. It looks like this:

and allows me to check off all my salad ingredients and then click 'Add Checked'

The first time is painful but after that you're in pretty good shape and data entry is easier. You can also see a custom entry I created called 'Clif Bar chocolate chip' which I made by entering all the data on the food label thingy.

Finally it allows you the option of publicly humiliating yourself (I'm ALLLLL about that) by posting what you've eaten and allowing others to browse your past debaucheries history one day at a time. You can find that on the sidebar called Bill's Gaping Maw if you're curious about the junk I'm shoving into my mouth.

I've got a week's worth of data in the thing now and Bubbles has the URL so hopefully I'll hear from her on that, and yeah it also allows you to enter your workouts so that you can get a calorie balance going.

After that I entered my 'steps' into America on the Move. Did I complete the Pacific Coast Trail?

mmhmm :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thick as a Brick

In my tireless efforts to push the very envelope of interval workouts into uncharted territory I will blast Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick directly into my brain while riding an upright bike synchronizing my cadence against the song's varied rhythms. Sure, they laugh at me at the institute, mock my theories... say I'm mad.

The bastards.

Do they have the courage, the nerve to attempt what I'm about to hazard?


I type this through sweat stained glasses hardly noticing the salty blur, getting you word on how it went.

I'm on an upright, manual setting, level 7, cue the song, close my eyes and go...

Ahhhh the easy, rolling jangle of the acoustic guitar as I'm greeted with the iconic opening:

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.
My words but a whisper - your deafness a SHOUT.

I let the lyrics flow into my mind and the rhythm work on me. The imagery of the poem builds

And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away
the tidal destruction, the moral melee.
The elastic retreat rings the close of play
As the last wave uncovers
the newfangled way.

Wow. I'll fight the urge to bore you with what the various couplets invoked in me but I found things to consider inside the song. That's the point of my goofy experiments anyway, to try and find music (which I'm finding increasingly essential to gym cardio work) and some sort of workout where you can get lost in it. Or I could go to Bubbles Zumba class I guess but for me this is fun too.

There were some, uh, dated moments in the song. Excessive use of the organ and a drum solo for crying out loud. The middle of this forty-three minute monster was the toughest, trying to pick out a cadence when it got excessively 'experimental' and keep my concentration on the tune. But when it came back around to the lyrics it was easier, there are parts where I hammered the pedals fairly hard with a cadence around 120 but most of it boiled down to a kind of marching beat where I was around 90.

I'm getting kind of delusional on the bike, whistling some of the flute parts and fighting the urge to put my left foot on my right knee in the classic Ian Anderson pose. I'm pretty deep into the song which is mostly music at this point, waiting for it to come around to the final set of lyrics. Eyes closed, swaying, humming and muttering. It's not that bad and I'm trying hard to keep the cadence to the beat so I was pretty disappointed with the heart chart which looks much more like a tempo workout than an interval one.

It looks like intervals might require more regimen in a gym setting. I was trying to see if I could be caught unawares of the next 'hill' its gradient (cadence) and duration. I was attempting to inject some randomness into an interval workout. This one didn't work that way - still 69% maxHR for forty-three minutes and a bunch of fun was fine by me. It was a good workout :-)

So you ride yourselves over the fields
And you make all your animal deals
And your wise men don't know how it feels... be thick as a brick.

Oh this is gonna be a nail biter! :-)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I'm typing this Tuesday evening my little heart filled with hope. This evening we went to the pool so it wasn't the big bike ride I was hoping for but I got to play with my daughter and swam some laps. So now I'm hoping that our flaky weather patterns will remain well flaky.

I have to take my daughter to her camp tomorrow so my plan (yes I said plan) is to get up at 4:30am, ride the bike to the gym, do the total workout and ride the bike back home before my wife and kids get out of bed.

How utterly cool is that?

Still, I'm very skittish about riding in the rain. goFast tells me that I simply must man up and do it so we'll see. I wont do it if we get that wrath of God stuff we got on Saturday but I might if it's a drizzle.

At the moment the skies are clear and all is well. Hey, Bill can dream.

It's going to be a near thing if Bill can complete the legendary Pacific Crest Trail by the deadline or not. It's something fun to bring up in casual conversation, "I walked the famed Iditarod and Pacific Crest Trails this summer." Followed by frantic prayer that no one asks about any detail. Having to explain it would be boring... mmhmm.

Well I'm a wimp. It was drizzling when I got up so I glumly hopped in the car and drove in. I need to crack the rain barrier, get covered with road grime and become, dare I say it? A man!

Not today.

wimpyBill (call me wimp) got into the gym at 5am and hit the total body workout hard. I need to get back home so I didn't spend much time gabbing not that there was many there to gab with. definitelyNeedsaName was there hanging from some machine like he'd just been flogged and AT Everest was hopping on her beloved elliptical. Kingsley was not there, the ghostPeople had left or were in the lockers.

I chat with definitelyNeedsaName while I'm going through my routines. IronMan comes in about the time I figure he's not gonna. He's having a rough go, he's losing his mind you see. Yesterday he managed to have brown shoes and a black belt. Can you imagine such a fashion faux pas? Neither could goodMood and I. In fact we wouldn't have even noticed except IronMan called our attention to it. Now we can't drop it, it wouldn't be right.

I follow IronMan into the lockers and ask the most important question of the day, "Do your shoes and belt match?"

"Yes," he laughs.

Thank God. I had to get a paper bag for him to breathe into yesterday.

I do fifteen on the treadmill doing the 'fat burn' program which was all uphill. The programs seem to be interesting on that machine. I start out at a 6% incline - sheesh! I end up burning 175 calories according to the machine. I added in Bubbles ABS routine at the end of it since I pretty much blew it off yesterday. IronMan joined in on the BOSU Crunch Sit Up/Get Ups. He can do them without having to throw his arms forward for momentum (the wimpyBill technique). We did fifteen of those and then IronMan asks, "Are you doing another set?"

Um, no.

I have two days to complete the Pacific Crest Trail. Will I make it? I have no idea.

Gosh this is exciting! ::rolls eyes::

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So, Where The Hell Was Biggles?

I'm deep in thought on the upright this morning, thinking useless thoughts. One of the key things I like about exercise is that boring deep thoughts get drowned out by the pain of pushing it. They get put into the subconscious while you mentally scramble about trying to figure exactly why you're humping this stupid bicycle at 5:45am on a Tuesday morning.

I was suppose to ride my bike in today but I got over being disappointed about not being able to. Life got in the way of that dream but as I wearily turn the pedals on this upright, feeling the burn of thighs under duress I'm figuring it might be a good thing. My frantic sprint home yesterday so that I could pick my daughter up turned out to be a big disappointment.

You ever have that feeling like you're cooking with oil but you're, um, not? I've had it many times on the dance floor but this mad dash home just felt right. I've noticed that my 18 and 21 mile bike rides have left me feeling stronger on the bike so I was certain a new record would be set on my three mile trek home. But nooooooo the worthless Garmin does not lie with its remorseless machine logic, an average of 12.5mph is not very daunting.

What I'm beginning to suspect is that road riding is addictive.

IronMan strolls in and relates a tale of nearly flooding the church he was repairing a well at. It was pretty funny, I hope he doesn't rust. I pop the earbuds back in, I can't seem to do this sort of aerobic work to the rave music Kingsley prefers in the early morning. It's too frenetic for me.

I had set up the bike with a ten minute warm up and then thirty-five of tempo. The results were 'OK.' Over the fifty minutes I spent on the bike I averaged a HR of 138bpm or 68% and during the 'work' phase I had an average of 149bpm or 73% so I met the objective of the tempo workout.

So? I'm not sure what it means but I'll keep doing it because overall I'm feeling stronger, better, whatever.

Towards the tail end of the workout the greatest workout song of all time came on! I forgot I had put it on the iPod last night.

The sister in the background cracks me up the way she's flashing the camera. That pic just makes me smile for some reason, probably because the newspaper editor missed her maneuver. Forty five minutes of shifting tempos and styles with fun lyrics, naturally I plan to try a weird interval workout to it, maybe on Thursday.

As I was staggering around after my workout, goldieLocks came up and told me there are entire sites devoted to song lists for various workouts, as in structured for them. When I have time I'll have to hunt them down. If you know any please email the URL to me.

Later I'm hanging in the breakfast line waiting for my eggs, buttered toast (whole wheat so back off!), and two slices of bacon. It's called a 2-2-2. MarathonMan is giving me static about the bacon saying that's what the eggs are for. As we're yakking allyMcBeal strolls by getting something... coffee? She's dressed in a skirt and some pink top. Immediately I'm suspicious, "Did you bike in?"

"Yep," she replies with a challenging look in her eye, "did YOU?"

I briefly bore her with my lamentation on Kids in Camp, stopping when her eyes glaze over.

"You didn't ride THAT into work did you?"

She give me a piteous stare, the one girls reserve for stupid boy questions, "No!"

I don't know how she does it. Honestly it takes two panniers (OK one for the laptop) and a bike trunk to get what keeps Bill functional into work and I still come out looking frumpy as all get out. Ally looked ready for a photo shoot.


And she does it on this!

The McBealinator 2009
A ten dollar bike and a helmut. Mine? Um yeah... a little more... BLUSH!

Oh yeah, Ally is looking for a bike for her hubby if you have one for free or sale. He's got a thirty inch inseam, I know because I lost a bet... shudders. So if you know of such a bike drop Ally a line, she'd appreciate it! And for the Bill impaired the inseam thing was a joke, she told me in a meeting and if you want to know how she knows ask her yourself!

Well I wonder what sort of adventures tomorrow will hold? In the words of Little Milton, "Really don't mind if you sit this one out." Yeah, I hear Bubbles saying THAT!

rolls eyes

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Rest?

Well I'm trying to hold back after yesterday's big exercise blow out - I know I need to let my body recuperate or I'll hit the wall. So I did the following:
  • Rode my bike in
  • Did 17mins on the elliptical - don't judge me I still have the stupid Pacific Crest Trail on my mind.
  • Did stretches
  • Hung out with Diablo while drinking coffee I brought in.
Later today I have to deal with, well, life. As the kids get older we're finding they need to be drug here and there and that's no biggie, in fact it's something of an honor but it plays hell with work schedules. Last night my wife and I set up who was taking what kid where and who was picking them up. Today I find out I have a 3:30pm meeting that didn't show up on my schedule on the mac for some reason and now my bike commute home will resemble more of a sprint if I'm going to pick my daughter up on time.

Life is good :-)

I came across this while looking for a new banner pic and so I thought I'd dangle the bait in front of IronMan, who's been a bit subdued of late, maybe this will pick up his spirits.

Apparently this is how MEN do squats.

On the weigh in I dropped another pound, I've lost 34 pounds since 28 December. I know what I need to do, my behavior indicates I just don't wanna. I'll continue to enter data into this FitDay site and might publish it later in the week so you can heckle me and roll your eyes.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Ride

Not much has happened as Bill wallows in the dog days of summer. Friday I did a total body workout with a lot of stretching and rode the bike into work. I'm trying to get my step count up ::glares at America on the Move's obvious effective manipulation::

The Pacific Crest Trail is tough and America on the Move informs me, "To complete your trail by the end of the Challenge on July 31, you must take an average of 13,216 steps per day."

So I was a bit cranky on Saturday with the monsoons that hit pretty much all day long. I was forced into the gym and only there in for thirty seven minutes, life can be cruel.

So on Sunday I pretty much over did it. So far I've done the following:
  • A twenty-one mile bike ride in the morning with an aveage speed of 14mph and cadence of 66. It took me an hour and a half to do that but I did take a potty break :-)
  • Walked to church with the family
  • Fertilized the lawn.
According to America on the Move that counts for 21,910 steps. I'll have to do a fair amount of bike riding to get to the end of the trail though. Wearily I trudge on, but I'm not insane and plan to have a very light workout if any at all tomorrow. Maybe some stretching like this young lady followed by a nice long stay in the hospital.

Lance came in third for the tour which I think was great but what I find even greater is he's planning on coming back next year forming a new US team, Team RadioShack. Too cool, so I'll have to take down my Astana banner (the blue shoes) above and find another pic to inspire me - I might have done that already - what do you think?

I trust you and yours are having a remarkable weekend!

Be well.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

And for One Desperate Moment There...

OK I'm whittling on the blog, trying to reorganize the sidebar into something useful, for me anyway. So changes are on the way. Heads up.

I've also started playing with this Fit Day site where you can log in all your food and activities and it kicks back a bunch of useful crap I guess. I find it a tad easier to use than the iPhone app I was using, though at times I find their database wanting. Whatever. Honestly it only sort of matters. Based on my use of these food logs the whole trick is you start inputting this junk while watching the calories go up and all sorts of internal conversations break out ("Yeesh 970 calories for a Wendy's triple with everything?! Well maybe if I skip dinner") and you make all sorts of self discoveries like Bill doesn't pay it forward very well.

So I'm at Wendy's having lunch with my son and we're both checking out the calorie chart they have and I'm making modifications to my order. I ended up with a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, a baked potato with NO sour cream and a medium coke instead of a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, a baked potato with bacon and cheese and a coke float.

What I'm trying to say is the logging of the calories is effective but if someone knows an easier way of doing it then scanning some database and doing the math on "Bacon cheeseburger, 1/4 lb meat, with tomato and/or catsup, on bun" to hack it down to the right number of calories (312) for a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger let me know.

I'll probably toss up a link to my stats in a week or so and turn Bubbles loose on it. Here's what my overall looks like from Monday to lunch today:

So you get the idea.

I stroll into the gym today in a "GROAN I have to do intervals" funk and begin setting up on a recombinant. I lay out my various talismans and what not, decide I better try and pee and on my way in pass the man, the legend, IronMan who looks a lot like a day-glo orange fireplug with this t-shirt he's wearing.

When I come back out he's sitting on the recombinant next to mine already at work. He's doing intervals and is in the first rest phase, asking me questions as I set up. There are two ways I do these interval workouts. I point out that I use the cadence indicator which is RPM on the machine and try to hold it over 80 for the full run OR try to hold it over 70 during the rest and at 100 or higher during the hill.

We both choose 5/9 or level 5 for rest and level 9 for the hill. IronMan has already plugged in thirty minutes and I choose forty because I want to take a serious shot at completing the Pacific Crest Trail I mentioned a few days ago. To do that I have to get my steps waaayyyyy up.

We do a hill or two at a constant 80 getting a feel for it when all of a sudden he sucks me into hammering it on one of them. I think he got to 129 RPMs and I didn't come close to that but both of us come off the interval wheezing. Then IronMan gets kind of delusional and begins babbling all his secrets. I surreptitiously turn on my recorder just for these occasions, the people need to know.

Suddenly he's done and wiping down the machine. I'll have to ask him what he made of it tomorrow. I glance at my monitor, three more hills to go SIGH. Bubbles and awesomeGirl come over to IronMan's machine and begin playing on it. There's all sorts of babble about heart rates and what not that I'm half listening to, I'm prepping for the final hill, kinda dogging it on the second to the last one.

I'm going to hammer it on the last hill and see what happens.

I plug in the ear buds, turn up the volume and select Tom Petty's American Girl. I bring my cadence up to around 85 while in this last rest phase before the final hill. The music is perfect for both tempo and my mood and I'm letting it psyche me up. I close my eyes and feel the resistance go up as I enter the hill.

I go. I start pedaling as fast as I can. Then I pedal faster, and faster and faster. I know I'm making all sorts of noise but I can dimly hear Bubbles and IronMan saying "Go Bill!" My eyes are shut, I don't want to know how much longer, I'm working as hard as I can and feel enveloped, part of the music blaring in my ears... knowing I can't hold it...

And for one desperate moment there... just long enough for a 'taste' of it I was 'there.' I feel the grin break out across my face, hear the giggle... oh yeah, all right... for one desperate moment it felt like I could do this forever, drive those pedals all day long, no pain, just peace. It felt like a tiny slice of heaven. It felt dangerous and addictive.

Weezer's Beverly Hills comes on. I'm muttering, "Bad song, BAD SONG!" The tempo's all wrong! I open my eyes, my concentration gone. I still have a minute to go on the hill and reality intrudes like the bore it is and suddenly I'm gasping for breath, legs shot, feeling the bile rise and the urge to puke almost overwhelming. I can see the cadence falling from whatever it was and I fight to keep it over 100.

It's over.

But I had it, even for the tiniest slices of time, I had it and I'm grateful for it, that glimpse of what can be, of what I am capable of.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brutal Workout!

After work yesterday I hurried home on the bike so that I could hop into the car and get my daughter, who's at a pretty cool camp where she does some community service work. Then I grilled some hamburgers before we walked to the local swimming pool where I played Monkey in the Middle with my wife and kids. I then started swimming laps doing the crawl. Lap after merciless lap until the lifeguard blew her whistle signifying everyone out of the pool since it's closing.

Phew! Two laps and I am SPENT! I count a 'lap' as one length of the pool, others count a 'lap' as down AND back but I never bought into the metric system. That was how I finished up yesterday.

Given the amount of work I did yesterday I decided to give myself a break and slept in until 5:07am. I stroll into the gym around 5:45am noting IronMan lounging on a recombinant at some easy cadence obviously on the rest phase of his intervals. He pretends to check his watch and then stares at me in an accusatory manner.

I fill him in on my ruthless two laps of swimming yesterday. He understands. I grab a eight pound medicine ball and start my Lateral Lunge - MB Medial Flexions. definitelyNeedsaName starts giving me static about my form calling me a ballerina or something while lifting some impressive weights with his legs. I patiently explain what I THINK Bubbles is trying to accomplish OTHER than making me look like a total dork which I'm certain is part of it while fighting the urge to brain him with the medicine ball. I tell him that it's helping with my core or some other made up excuse.

IronMan is sitting on some leg lift thingy watching The Woman in Trouble Channel and demanding a latte. The Woman in Trouble is always the channel left by the night crew/ghostPeople. I don't know why. I'm waiting until 6:30am for the tour.

ponyTail is working through her routine along with awesomeGirl, both are having a blast. I'm not feeling the love from the machines today and mainly gabbing and doing various exercises that are part of my current routine. Diablo strolls in and starts joking around, both he and ponyTail are hoping it doesn't rain tonight so they can go to a baseball game. goodMood is peering from his throne on the stair climber and all seems well in the gym.

I'm staring at the tour and noticed I forgot to wear my heart monitor so mentally I'm obviously not there. Lance is now about four minutes back so unless he has the most amazing time trail tomorrow he's not gonna win it this year. Astana has a shot at getting all three podium positions but ya know what? You don't care, if you did care then you already know this.

I have to do something more tonight if I'm gonna get through the Pacific Coast Trail that I mentioned yesterday.

J-TOSRV sent some interesting links - check them out.
If I was a giraffe, this is NOT where I want to be, so I'm gonna check those links out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Alps

... have nothing to do with this post except they're in the back of my mind. I'm hoping Lance has a good day today, I still hang onto a sliver of hope that he can win this thing.

I rode the bike into work today hitting the road about 4:50am, it was cool and I was sorta wishing I had worn my windbreaker but I didn't so shut up about it. I got into the gym already of the mindset that I would do more work on the bike. I'm riding in in my gym clothes now in an effort to conserve space in the panniers and get right to work once I get there.

I do a five minute warm up on the upright bike to get my HR up and start the thirty minute workout. It was tough, the music blew even though I picked it out. I kept my cadence above 80 and was running at level 8 until about the twenty minute mark where I dialed it back to 7.

It was a good workout, I averaged 157bpm or 77% of maxHR. I came off the bike covered in sweat. I shot the breeze with IronMan while drinking a cup of coffee and then didn't do much with ABS although Bubbles had me do fifteen BOSU Sit Up/Get Ups while holding a ten pound medicine ball.

I plugged my results into America on the Move and noted that I managed to walk the Iditarod Trail before the end of the challenge on 31 July.

So I moved on to the Pacific Crest Trail. For me to polish that bad boy off before 31 July I'll have to pick up the pace! Not likely but what the heck, I'll give it a try.

Lance managed to keep in second place on the Alps, if he can get through tomorrow it will make a very interesting time trial. The mountains are brutal and I can't wait to watch tonight. Tomorrow looks awful!

  • Two cups of coffee with french vanilla
  • One bowl of oatmeal with two tablespoons of brown sugar and one tablespoon of cinnamon.
  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons

Monday, July 20, 2009

Light Monday

Since my epic bike ride of yesterday I decided to tone it down at the gym today. I did Bubbles' Revised ABS Workout and A LOT of stretching. My back still feels sore but manageable. I'm taking ibuprofen for the soreness/inflammation. My wife is mildly amused/alarmed at what it takes to keep a wreck like myself afloat in the gym.

  • One cup of Starbucks quad venti vanilla breve latte (20oz, four shots of expresso, half and half and vanilla)
  • One 24oz cup of BP French Vanilla coffee
  • Yeah, I'm feeling a wittle WIRED

  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons
  • Salad - lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers about a half cup
  • Watermelon
  • Two large rolls
  • Pot roast - about a 3x3in square
  • Five cookies (oreo size but not oreos)
  • One Cliff Bar
  • Bowl of ice cream

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The First Eighteen Mile Ride

I took another shot at the 18 miler today. I was studying the following from goFast like so many tea leaves...

then you have a choice of many rights... Scioto (10 miles), Cook (12m), Hill (14m), Blaney/Home (17m), and finally cross 42 and turn right on Watkins (20m)

I looked at the map on google getting an understanding of what was meant, effectively about any right I took off of Jerome would get me to Concord which would bring me home. goFast and bikerBabe warm up on eighteen mile treks, Bill on the other hand was a tad hang wringy about it.

I did my little stall routine but the writing was on the wall and I felt oddly compelled to do it even though Sunday was my rest day. I hit the road, discovered I forgot my heart rate monitor, went back and got it and hit the road again.

Impressions of the ride. After turning left on Jerome there's a patch of road there that blows but then it gets better. There was much more traffic but not bad, just more of it. The further 'out' I went the better it got.

As I headed out Jerome I kept glancing down at my odometer trying to figure out when I needed to turn right to get the eighteen in, I wanted no repeats of yesterday. I had no clue, for those of you into planning these sorts of eneavors, well that's not me. I go past the first offering with scorn, AS IF! Then confusion started creeping in... Hill? I think that one goes through... Blaney? I recalled a Blarney... I pedaled on knowing that the biggest thing facing me was coming back.

That's whats cool about these solo bike gigs. Go out as far as you want but remember you still have to come home. I come up to a road called 'Home' and I recall it as a connector but it also has an alarming number of eighteen wheelers on it. I'm not up for having some eighteen wheeler blow by me at fifty five miles an hour on a two lane road. Honestly I'm not up for that on a four lane road. I hop off the bike and consult my map on my phone. Ahhhh this 'Home' is also called 42 and goFast mentioned I probably want to avoid it. Watching these trucks roll by I couldn't agree more.

Head back?

Press on?

I press on until it dead ends, hang a right and begin praying I'll see something called Concord, or something that resembles Concord, in fact any grape name will do. I'm way deep into farm land and it's serene but I'm not looking around much, mostly my eyes are forward hoping to see stupid Concord and keeping an eye out for that one pebble that will slip my wheel out from under me or flat me.

Mostly all I could hear was a kind of hum that my wheels made as I moved along. It was peaceful.

When I turned onto Concord it was like, well, turning onto Americana. The houses were close together but well maintained. Someone was growing a bunch of flowers right next to the road. I was enchanted, of the entire ride this stretch of road was my favorite. Suddenly Concord dead ends into another road. Hmmmmm, left or right? I can't get into any real trouble here but I could add undesired miles, my lower back was beginning to hurt and I knew from NC that I didn't want to piss it off.

Left it is. I go around this wicked bend and start pedaling hard up this pretty steep, albeit short hill wanting to get some distance from the bend in case someone was playing I'm a Formula One Racer and came whipping around it nailing me. I discovered I hate any upgrade and was sucking wind by the time I hit the top of it and hung a right back onto Concord, thank Heavens.

I got home.

WHAT A GREAT RIDE! OK so I'm not some pro or anything like that but I did it! I'm not um unhappy with my average mph but I think I can do better. So what I'll probably do is do this a few more times, get a serious feel for it and then turn left on Watkins and see what I can see.

This is way different than working out in the gym, many more variables. Maybe this week I'll pick an evening and try it again for my cardio but this time no coasting, keeping my cadence going or something like that (this is a promise remarkably easy to to type when sitting on the couch in ones home). I'll talk to goFast about that, he's insane so probably doesn't care what time but I might. Rush hour might not be a good time for skittish Bill.

If I go into the gym tomorrow I don't think I'll do much more than stretching and something light. Sunday was suppose to be a recuperation day for me but instead I did this and feel better for it.

  • Coffee with French Vanilla
  • One sweet cinnamon roll
  • Two pita breads with hummus
  • 1/2 of a banana
  • Pot Roast 1/4 pound?
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Green beans
  • Raspberries
  • One Cliff Bar
  • Two cookies
  • One drumstick without nuts

Saturday, July 18, 2009

First Road Ride

goFast laid out this perfect 18 mile bike ride for me and on Friday we went over it and I printed it out figuring I'd try it today. Using the technique professional athletes use called 'visualization' I can see it quite clearly laying on my desk at work, next to the phone.

So I decided to wing it today and spent some time on Google Maps potting it out blah, blah blah. I watch a bit of the tour on TV and then hit the road around 9:30am. Not too much traffic and anyway there's lots of room. The first thing I noticed was this weird quiet as I headed around the round about and towards my first turn. The second thing I noticed was that this road was pretty crappy given the taxes I'm paying, what's up with that? The bike path looked smoother but was not for me, bike paths have other issues.

But 'The Quiet' was interesting to me, almost as if I had fallen into myself and could self reflect. Now I'm a guy so that didn't happen but it could have and probably will in the future. Kind of like a pool waiting to be jumped in, forever patient.

Where I live, honestly, can only be described as flat so when I hit this one 'ridge' my muscles were not prepared and it took me a bit of fiddling with the gears to find something that I could peddle without dying and go faster than that dude on my right with the oxygen tank an a walker. As I push myself further out on this course hills will be interesting to me until I figure them out.

Now my bike has bar end shifters, it's a classic cross country bike with the panniers and what not and I like it just fine. This fluctuation in shifting that I noted has me thinking about changing to a different type of shifter. I'll mull it over.

I wasn't pushing it but I wasn't coasting either - my average HR was 65% which is about where it should be for a Saturday and my average cadence was 72 which was OK. My average speed of 14.5mph is laughably slow to some of my buddies but again at the moment I'm good with it. I figure as my confidence grows so will my mph a bit.

Here's the funny part, of the 18 mile course laid out I only did nine. I turned right (towards home) way to early but you know what? I'll go further tomorrow and get the 18 in or maybe a bit more. I learned a lot today and my confidence is good at the moment. Thanks for the route

PS: I'm very disappointed in what the US team Garmin/Chipolte did to George Hincapie today. It's gonna make me rethink my loyalty to that team in next year's Tour and going forward. Right now it doesn't matter loyalty wise since I'm pulling for Lance (Astana) and Lance alone. How incredible if he does eight of this bad boys!

  • Coffee with French Vanilla
  • One egg, two bacons, one toast
  • Three slices of summer sausage
  • Five pieces of stone wheat thins crackers
  • Green beans
  • Salmon 3x3 inch
  • Salad
  • One Drumstick no nuts
  • One slice of chocolate cake
  • Three cookies

Friday, July 17, 2009

Slow Friday

Last night my wife and I went to the movies and saw The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. If you like her type of movies (and I do) you want to check it out. We had fun on our 'date' night and hope to do it again soon!

I rode the bike in this morning, it was a nice, quiet ride. No biggie, I can't recall any deep thoughts but I think not, it was just peaceful but that's the lay of the land at 4:45am. I had spent a bit of time packing the panniers last night and still almost forgot the Garmin and a cable. This is apparently not like riding a bike. I kept telling my wife to hush so that I could think.

I didn't forget anything, thank heavens.

I did the total body workout with breaks for yakking with awesomeGirl and IronMan but managed to get to work at 7am feeling ready for the day. While in the gym I noticed that it would probably rain in the afternoon which should make for a thrilling bike ride home. YAY!

Have a great weekend!

  • One cup of coffee with some half and half and vanilla
  • Two donuts
  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Fought the Wasp...

... and the wasp won. OK so it probably wasn't a wasp, it was probably a hornet and I didn't fight it, IronMan did, with a weed whacker. The maniac. Anyway that's why he wasn't in the gym yesterday, not that I knew about it since I was hobnobbing with the beautiful people and blowing my diet like that tanker truck in Detroit.

So I get into the gym this morning and begin doing sucky intervals because no matter what wickedWoman says or how pretty she says it, intervals Suck with a capital 'S'. So even though I'm doing them half-assed they still Blow with a capital 'B' but I'm getting through it.

I know about every other interval workout now I have to sincerely push it but now, um, no. I'm not in the mood to vomit even though I know I must atone for yesterday's debauchery. Look I'm weak OK, being weak about just about everything (food, TV, internet, booze, drugs, you name it) is my only vice so don't get too self-rightious on me, it's unbecoming.

IronMan wakes me from some sort of Emenem induced fugue state where I was starting to convince myself that, yes, I'm the real slim shady by waving at me before entering the locker room. A few minutes later he's doing that IronMan walk down the hallway. It's more of an ambling gait racked full of confidence and self assurance. I hope one day to imitate it since I doubt I'll ever own it. I'm comfortable being a poser.

He hops on the upright next to me (I'm on the recombinant) and fills me in on the IronMan vs. Hornets debacle. He got stung - a lot and goodMood believes I should consider renaming IronMan to 'winky' since he got stung on his left eye.

I'm wondering what sort of cardio workout it might be with all the running, terror and stinging. Already I'm envisioning Bubbles putting us in the gym, chucking some monster hornet's nest in there and locking the door for forty five minutes. I wonder what she'll call it? Stinging Cardio or something I'm guessing, and I BET there will be some who sign up for it.

Breakfast - since I have to drive my daughter to zoo camp
  • 1 cup of coffee with 1% milk since I drank all the foo-foo yesterday
  • 1 chocolate chip Cliff bar.
  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons
  • Mongolian Barbecue - 1/4 cup NY Strip, 1/4 cup Sirloin, broccoli and other veggies, 1/8 cup shrimp, brown rice, two tortillas
  • A coke
Snacks at the movie
  • Medium popcorn with butter
  • Medium coke

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Visions of Bob Evans

Look it's IronMan's fault, the boy is a baaaaaddddd influence! I have some class I have to take today that's offsite so last night I packed my gym bag like a good little gym rat and went to sleep.

IronMan visited me in a dream, he was dressed in a tuxedo, looking James Bondish sitting at a roped off table at Bob Evans eating a very large breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy - all sorts of stuff. As I walked by he glanced up at me and said, "Try the Farmer's Choice Breakfast."

My eyes snap open at 4:15am, if I go to the gym today I'll DIE! I've known IronMan for... well months anyway so I can discern the hidden nuances behind his cryptic dream mutterings. I best take heed and avoid the morning workout, IronMan wants me to. I snuggle back up to my wife and doze.

I'll be updating my food log throughout the day today so that you can watch in horror the crap I shove into my gaping maw of a mouth. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow so that I can complain about my interval workout, I know you live for my endless whining. Unless dreamIronMan visits me again... shudders.

  • Homemade latte of Folgers coffee and some French vanilla cream. I took the rest of the foo-foo vanilla stuff which probably irritated my wife but I know she'd want me to have it.
  • Cup of oatmeal with cinnamon to flavor the mushy gruel.
Lunch - This is not a normal lunch for me but it was free :-)
  • A salad about 1/2 cup broccili, with cheese squares and bacon bits
  • A chicken 'wrap' wrapped around Parmesan cheese
  • A salman square
  • Mixed rice
  • Mixed vegitables
  • A roll
  • A slice of chocolate pie covered in chocolate sauce
  • A coke
  • My snack was a chocolate chip cookie
  • A light salad with green peppers in it.
  • Baby carrots
  • Peach icecream cone

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Start of food log - SIGH

I don't think it will surprise anyone that there's a hint of the geek about me, seriously, I'm not kidding. So Bubbles has me on these thirty minute Tuesday/Thursday cardio routines. I've mentioned them before but now I'm modifying them a bit.

For example today I plop down on an upright bike and plug in 35 minutes. I use the first five minutes to warm up and begin to get my HR up to where I (meaning Bubbles) want it. I also close with five minutes of cool down.

So if you peep out the metrics for today on the entire 40mins my average HR was 145 or 71% of MaxHR, but for the thirty minute work interval the average HR was 151 or 74% of MaxHR which is the upper limit (75%) of where it should be. This makes me happy. Bubbles ABS routine does not. Still, it must be done so I gloomily go through it and feel better that I did it afterward (definitely not during).

While I'm working on the bike IronMan strolled in and shortly after the gym filled up with the morning crew. This is my first summer rotation but most everyone is being pretty quiet and just getting through their workouts. Folk seem more chatty during winter or maybe we're just having bad days. Who can say?

Well not much else to report - I'm toying with writing my food intake into this blog so that I can get one of the things done on my list from yesterday - eh, what the heck:

  • Starbucks quad (four shots) vanilla breve (cream) latte
  • a 2-2-2 (two eggs over easy, one bacon, one sausage, two whole wheat toasts with butter)
  • a V8
  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons
  • Carolina Barbecue (pulled pork) 1/2 cup
  • Cucumbers
  • Two white bread toast
  • UDF 12oz Peach Deep Freeze

Monday, July 13, 2009

Getting Through It - Sorta Kinda

OK I'm stressing a bit with competing priorities which falls into the 'sucky' end of the scale. At times like this I just want to throw throw my hands up, slowly extend my right thumb, shove it into my mouth and suck. I look like a total dork so I fight that urge pretty well.

Saturday my son took off for a week at a Boy Scout camp. I started missing him immediately but I have a few tokens from him to remember him by:

He use to be into these Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and collected them for awhile. He then discovered this app on the web and can make his own - he's having fun with that at my expense. It makes me smile and I love his comments about me.

After I dropped him off my wife and I took our daughter over to a class to become a certified babysitter. That's just too cool, she's now Red Cross certified. Since she was going to be in the class for quite awhile we headed to the gym where I did a slow tempo workout and a little lifting and my wife did her own thing.

I turned all the TVs on to Le Tour de France and watched in glorious high def while simulating their endeavors on the recombinant if they were ambling along at a 70 cadence on a essentially flat surface in an air conditioned environment, which they weren't. No they thought it would be more fun to go up the side of a mountain with nine thousand switchbacks in 97 degree heat. The tour riders amaze me.

After my brutal workout, non life threatening sauna and shower we went to Lowes and bought this silvery stuff for the kids windows to see it that will keep their rooms from turning into little ovens. The front of the house now looks like an office building.

Today (Monday) I was back at it. Up at 4:30 and starting the total body workout at 5:25am. I managed to hammer through that in an hour and the morning crew was showing up about when I was done. Well except for AT Everest who was there before I was on her beloved elliptical. goodMood, awesomeGirl, ponyTail, a dude who needs a name if he keeps showing up like this and Diablo were there. IronMan doesn't do Mondays.

I weighed in at 204 another pound gone (I hope!).

Here are some exercise things I owe:
  • I have to get my dietary stuff to Bubbles but I don't wanna let her know about the crap I pour into my body - Bubbles is something of a purist and stares at me blankly when I whine about cravings. She says, "Eat some carrots." Bill heads to the cookie jar. I aspire to her level of discipline but my internal clock tells me it's time to man up and give her the data.
  • I need to update this blog with some of the stuff I'm tracking and work on the look of it a bit.
  • I need to figure out how to get around on the bike more - this week is a bit shot since I have to either pick my daughter up or drop her off at a camp she's attending this week.
  • I need to find time to get back into Zumba! I seriously miss it.
  • I need to schedule another gym get together
Have a great day, mine looks stressful

Friday, July 10, 2009

As the Day's Go By...

... let the water hold me down.

I have a love hate thing with summer. What I hate is it goes by too quickly for my taste, July 10th? COME ON.

Are you watching the tour? Me too. Already a heck of a race, I have such high hopes for Lance. I would love to see him win it after four years off and at 37 years of age...

IronMan forewarned me and was a no show at the gym today. The boy was shopping convertibles I presume. I did the total body thing from memory since I left my folder in my office. It was a pretty good workout.

Yesterday I suffered by riding my bike in and then doing a thirty minute interval training on the upright followed by Bubble's nightmarish ABS workout. I felt pretty good, though the back is still flaring up but less and less.

Wednesday was another total body but the daze are kind of hazing together. Call them 'dog days.'

On Tuesday, my triumphant return to the gym, I had a Fitness Assessment by Bubbles. The results are encouraging. My body comosition is 21.55% putting me in the 60 percentile for my age group. When I started it was 29.16 so progress has been made.

When I started my VO2 Max was 18.52152 and not even on Bubbles chart (which went down to coal miner) but was 35.17088 (or 60th percentile), again - YAY!

Push ups - I did 15 which is 'good' and up from 4 when I started.

Curl-ups - I did 14 which was up from 8 - I still need work here sigh.

On flexibility I got a 7 which is well below average but the first time I've ever even gotten on the chart!

My hip to waist ratio has dropped from 1.02 to .91 putting me into some low risk category of some sort but still is awesome.

So seven months into this and that's where I'm at thanks to Bubbles and a whole host of others. (Thank you wife!). You can do it too if you wanna, why not give it a try.

I have a lot still to do but as I was riding the bike home yesterday I passed MarathonMan running the other way. We waved and smiled to each other. Think of it as a lifestyle :-)

I close with the following from JRock

Have a fantastic weekend!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Vacation at the Lake

I'm sitting on the front porch of out family cottage at 6am, there were no night sweats last night and very little pain, I almost feel rested. I figure there should be a record of what happened here... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

We're hurdling down I77 towards Winston Salem and I'm listen to the soothing tones of The Hamster Dance or Crazy Frog for the fiftieth time. Soft giggling comes from the back of the car and even though it's early for it my thoughts turn to... murder. My wife has already shown signs of mental deterioration from these hellish songs having handed me two baby carrots for the toll on the West Virginia Turnpike. By the time I turn left at Winston Salem all is quiet and I adjust myself, my lower back has started to complain. This is no time for weakness I've now entered the hard hard hours, there's no turning back now, no justification for a hotel. I glance at the Tom-Tom and sigh inwardly, our ETA is 2:30am.

We actually arrive at 2am my wife vainly struggling to keep awake, which was her job. I get the occasional soft pat on my right shoulder and a murmured, "You're doing great," before she's back in dreamland. I smile, it's enough. I think about those who were here before me and have moved on to meet their Maker. The one's who shaped me, molded me. There are very few of them left. I try not to get morose over such thoughts but I can't help but miss them. The cottage for me is something much more than just a place to unwind, it's iconic. I try to honor them with some sense of continuity.

I get up around 6:30am, because - in my opinion this place is at it's best at that time of day, cool, no wind and second because there are ten million birds just singing their fool heads off which aids in getting up early. The lake is still and my back hurts from the drive. I try not to think of what theElectrician told me, "Beeeel, once you hit fifty it's allll down hill." I guess that's when the suck factor clicks up a notch, or two. I'm feeling it this morning as I piddle about the back yard unlocking sheds and getting things ready to get ready. We have to get the boat in the water (a 1963 Fabuglas I'll have you know, truly a babe magnet) and bring the dock in. The lake is at a perfect height.

Getting the boat in turns out to be no biggie but moving the dock turned into a big pain in the butt. Mainly it was the ropes around the cleat, I had to get a screwdriver and a hammer to finally get the rope loosened up. Then we decided to go to Skippers, a local barbecue place before heading into Walmart for food. Our objective was to NOT go into town the following day.

We get to Skippers in some weird fugue state and stumble over to a booth. A waitress strolls over asking what we want in that peculiar Henderson accent which is a cross between the traditional Southern drawl and mumbling through your nose for the proper pitch of nasal. It's impossible for a non-native to duplicate. The kids ask for lemonade while my wife and I opt of sweet tea. The waitress then asks what we want, she starts by mentioning the specials. My wife is having none of it. She's hungry, staring balefully up at the waitress she growls out, "Trout!" cutting the waitress off, who stares at her in confusion.

"You want the trout special?"

"Yes. Trout!" nodding her head in agreement.

Dear Lord she's been here less than a day and she's already been reduced to monosyllables. My wife barely manages to select her two side dishes before staring vacantly off into the distance. I'm feeling it too, the drive and the boat took more out of us then we realized. While we wait for the food we decide to head back to the cottage and nap before braving Walmart. I can't say if this is a typical small town Walmart or not but it is literally the store here. It's always crowded at any time of day. Having a collective meltdown there would not be good.

After our nap we get through the Walmart gauntlet and break out the minibike upon our return. While sitting on the front porch I watch the purple martins frolic in the field in front of the lake. Can that little bird be my salvation? Their young look like bats the way they dart about eating insects. They only eat insects in flight; in other words if the bug isn't flying it has nothing to fear from a purple martin. Mosquitoes hate them.

The martin has been gone for quite awhile from the cottage and this is the first year they've been back. My dad and I are excited about this but they, along with the blue bird require open fields to raise their young and eat. The Army Corp of Engineers does not like my open field and is requiring me to plant trees at twenty-five feet apart to "restore the lake to the way nature intended it."

That's one of my favorite quotes that came from a conversation I had with a Corp park ranger a few years ago. I cocked my head at him and replied, "If you want to restore this area to the way nature intended it then knock down that dam! This entire situation is artificial."

This retort fell upon deaf ears. They've commissioned a 'study' and now are executing their 'plan.' I will resist in my typical passive aggressive manner but like I told the park ranger that visited when I was down there, "I'm having difficulty paying for (approximately $2,000), maintaining and planting sixty trees that I don't want to plant on land I don't own. This will go one of two ways, either we can reach some sort of accord or you'll pay and plant them."

The Corp has gotten goofy. A neighbor was issued a warning when he moved some lake sand eight feet from one area of his 'beach' to another. They're confused so I begin to cling to a glimmer of a hope that if I can get the blue bird and purple martin societies involved they may back down.

The next day I'm up and about puttering around. I have a nasty cough and my lower back is in pain from the drive I presume. I'm gulping down coffee and trying to cope but needless to say I don't feel good. My wife gets up and we head out for our morning three mile walk to the goat farm and back. As we amble along (look I'm on vacation, back hurts and I'm cranky so back off on the 'pushing it' thing) we pick up a cute beagle puppy from a nearby cottage named Bentley. He decides to walk along with us.

As we near our turning around point I can hear the goats bleating across the field. I "baa" back and get an angry "baa" in return. I repeat my call and the goat's retort rises across octaves, volume and rage to a full throated shriek. My wife giggles but this is no laughing matter for the goat who is not in the mood for my crap at this hour of the morning. We head back for breakfast.

My daughter shyly asks if she can ride the minibike. Sure. She's eleven and old enough and strong enough to handle the beast. I explain some of the basics, start it and send her off down the hill. A few minutes later I hear,

"Dad, I can't TURN!!!"

She's glaring at me as if it's my fault. She's facing south, or left to right as you face the lake. I stroll towards her yelling, "What?" so she can hear me through her helmet over the engine noise.

"I can't TURN!" she bellows back defiantly.

I motion for her to just head on the way she's pointed and walk around to the other side of the cabin. She's now facing the opposite way she was going her face clouded by frustration.

"I can't TURN!!!"

I point out to her that somehow she managed to turn around and face the direction she just came from. I receive a pitying stare, one I'm certain to see a lot of for the next decade or so. I just don't get it! She ups the throttle and rides off. She spent most of the day on that bike, finally running it out of gas in the late afternoon. Coasting down the hill towards me as we head back up from the lake she bellows, "Dad, I'M OUT OF GAS!"

"Well stop coasting down the hill since you're gonna have to push that bike back up it to get more!"

Our neighbor took us out on 'Big Mable' a large chair that floats on the lake. He pulled my son and me all over the place in his nice boat and I introduced my son to 'drag.' My son is almost all legs so he was entertaining himself by sticking his foot over the port bow spraying water in my face. This is annoying to the middle aged male.

"Do you know what drag is?" I ask him solemnly.

"What?" he asks, not sure if he heard me correctly.

I reach over and shove his foot into the lake and he is gone. Problem solved.

That night I was visited by night sweats. I've got this upper respiratory cough going on, my back is hurting like no tomorrow and around 2AM I begin shivering like I'm in the antarctic. I'm shaking hard, covered in sweat for about two minutes. An interesting experience that I don't want to repeat but do the next night.

That morning I'm stumbling around the back yard with a cup of coffee when my neighbor comes over. We both end up staring at this crab apple tree that IronMan and myself were eying on an earlier visit. It's right next to the power line to the cottage, in the final stages of dying of old age and has to go.

A gleam comes into my neighbor's eye, "Wanna take it out?"


And thus were our fates sealed. The families assemble, well the adults anyway - some of the kids were still in dreamland or laying low avoiding work. The first major branch came off piece of cake. We got cocky. I'm tugging hard on the rope while my neighbor cuts the tree low to the ground so that a mower can pass over it. It starts to fall the right way, or it feels like that but then just plops over on the power line, ripping half of it from the cottage with a loud, "POP!." The cottage looses half it's power including the AC and refrigerators. I hop on the phone to the electric company and fess up. They issue a 'high priority ticket' which should have a repair truck over directly.

Meanwhile outside Felony is directing the clean up. If you read my blog at all you know that isn't her real name. Let's just say that the boat dock license is in her name so she gets the warnings from the Army Corp of Engineers whenever her husband irritates them, which is a lot apparently. Within twenty minutes, using tractors, teenagers and rakes all that is remaining is the stump.

About two hours later, while I'm cutting my sister's field the truck pulls up. As the repair man is walking back from turning off power at the transformer I blurt out, "Look, for the record, Felony had NOTHING to do with this!"

He looks both amused and confused, "Who?"

Never mind. He's one of the few people in the state who hasn't heard of her, it's best to keep that way or he'll probably bill me double for this fiasco. Still on the bright side it happened when folk were here so we could deal with it as opposed to some less manageable time.

The actual repair wasn't too bad, nothing I could do but not too awful thank Heavens. He then pulls me aside and says, "You're suppose to be billed for this so I'm going to have to fill out a form 1149." I'm thinking this must be the famous The Owner was an Idiot form. Staring directly into my eyes he says, "Now as long as you don't send something into the electric company saying that this power outage ruined your TV or anything like that this form will just sit in my drawer."

I ask him where I sign. Apparently nowhere, he just fills it out. I found it incredibly generous of him, after all it was entirely my fault.

The days blend together. My parents, aunt and two additional teenage girls show up at some point. Mostly the days would break down into a morning ski session trying to get my daughter up on skis. She tried on five separate days but had no luck this trip. My wife would ski, she does love it so. There would be morning walks to the goat farm and back of about three miles. Puttering around the lake on the Fabuglas, shooting off fireworks, potato guns, BB guns, and rockets. I had only one more visit from the night sweats and I started taking Aleve which helped with my lower back. The kids would all gather in the evening and play Pictionary or card games, afternoons were skiing and food too good to say no to. On the last night we took a lovely pontoon boat ride over to the local fireworks and watched them from the boat. That was a lot of fun.

Suddenly, as if waking startled from a dream, I'm in the car nearing home when my son awakens from a nap during the tedious drive back and blearily glancing around says, "Why are we HERE?!"

I don't know but I'm glad for the time we had in North Carolina.

See ya in the gym!