Monday, December 22, 2008

Bubbles' 2nd Awesome ABS Workout

(Bill's notes in blue)
  • "C" Mat Crunches: Lift shoulders and tailbone off the floor 1X12-15
    • Hold the last two for 4-8 counts
    • Push lower back into mat
  • BOSU Crunch - 'Sit Up/Get Ups': 1X15-20
    • Um, these didn't go well, everyone in the gym thought I had gone into labor with all the groaning
    • Try every fourth rep to Get Up
  • SB Oblique AB Crunch: 1X12-15 each side; hold last 2 reps on each side for 4-8 counts
    • This ended up bothering my lower back sigh I did better after doing some warm ups
    • Warm up: Curl over yellow ball with the belly button on the ball. Roll forward until the elbows touch the floor. Then roll back to knees.
    • Warm up: On ball in sit up position push back until sitting on the ball (like a chair)
  • Quadruped Arm Opposite Leg Raise: 2X10 hold each rep for 2-3 counts
    • These are 'supermans' on all fours
  • Plank On Elbows and Feet : 2X45-60 seconds
    • Get on tip-toes for last twenty seconds
  • Finish off with, Child's Pose Stretch and Cat/Cow Stretch
    • Child's Pose Stretch - extend arms, push hips to heels like kowtowing
  • Repeat this workout 2-3 days per week.

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