Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Alps

... have nothing to do with this post except they're in the back of my mind. I'm hoping Lance has a good day today, I still hang onto a sliver of hope that he can win this thing.

I rode the bike into work today hitting the road about 4:50am, it was cool and I was sorta wishing I had worn my windbreaker but I didn't so shut up about it. I got into the gym already of the mindset that I would do more work on the bike. I'm riding in in my gym clothes now in an effort to conserve space in the panniers and get right to work once I get there.

I do a five minute warm up on the upright bike to get my HR up and start the thirty minute workout. It was tough, the music blew even though I picked it out. I kept my cadence above 80 and was running at level 8 until about the twenty minute mark where I dialed it back to 7.

It was a good workout, I averaged 157bpm or 77% of maxHR. I came off the bike covered in sweat. I shot the breeze with IronMan while drinking a cup of coffee and then didn't do much with ABS although Bubbles had me do fifteen BOSU Sit Up/Get Ups while holding a ten pound medicine ball.

I plugged my results into America on the Move and noted that I managed to walk the Iditarod Trail before the end of the challenge on 31 July.

So I moved on to the Pacific Crest Trail. For me to polish that bad boy off before 31 July I'll have to pick up the pace! Not likely but what the heck, I'll give it a try.

Lance managed to keep in second place on the Alps, if he can get through tomorrow it will make a very interesting time trial. The mountains are brutal and I can't wait to watch tonight. Tomorrow looks awful!

  • Two cups of coffee with french vanilla
  • One bowl of oatmeal with two tablespoons of brown sugar and one tablespoon of cinnamon.
  • Lettuce, iceberg - 3/4 cup
  • spinach, baby - 1/8 cup
  • melon, cantaloupe - 1/8 cup
  • melon, honeydew - 1/8 cup
  • Broccoli, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Olives, black - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes, fresh - 1
  • Carrots, fresh - 1/3 cup
  • Cheese, cheddar - 1/3 cup
  • Eggs, hard boiled - 1
  • Seeds, sunflower - 1/8 cup
  • Salad Dressing, Raspberry Vinaigrette - 2 table spoons

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