Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Visions of Bob Evans

Look it's IronMan's fault, the boy is a baaaaaddddd influence! I have some class I have to take today that's offsite so last night I packed my gym bag like a good little gym rat and went to sleep.

IronMan visited me in a dream, he was dressed in a tuxedo, looking James Bondish sitting at a roped off table at Bob Evans eating a very large breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy - all sorts of stuff. As I walked by he glanced up at me and said, "Try the Farmer's Choice Breakfast."

My eyes snap open at 4:15am, if I go to the gym today I'll DIE! I've known IronMan for... well months anyway so I can discern the hidden nuances behind his cryptic dream mutterings. I best take heed and avoid the morning workout, IronMan wants me to. I snuggle back up to my wife and doze.

I'll be updating my food log throughout the day today so that you can watch in horror the crap I shove into my gaping maw of a mouth. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow so that I can complain about my interval workout, I know you live for my endless whining. Unless dreamIronMan visits me again... shudders.

  • Homemade latte of Folgers coffee and some French vanilla cream. I took the rest of the foo-foo vanilla stuff which probably irritated my wife but I know she'd want me to have it.
  • Cup of oatmeal with cinnamon to flavor the mushy gruel.
Lunch - This is not a normal lunch for me but it was free :-)
  • A salad about 1/2 cup broccili, with cheese squares and bacon bits
  • A chicken 'wrap' wrapped around Parmesan cheese
  • A salman square
  • Mixed rice
  • Mixed vegitables
  • A roll
  • A slice of chocolate pie covered in chocolate sauce
  • A coke
  • My snack was a chocolate chip cookie
  • A light salad with green peppers in it.
  • Baby carrots
  • Peach icecream cone

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