Friday, July 10, 2009

As the Day's Go By...

... let the water hold me down.

I have a love hate thing with summer. What I hate is it goes by too quickly for my taste, July 10th? COME ON.

Are you watching the tour? Me too. Already a heck of a race, I have such high hopes for Lance. I would love to see him win it after four years off and at 37 years of age...

IronMan forewarned me and was a no show at the gym today. The boy was shopping convertibles I presume. I did the total body thing from memory since I left my folder in my office. It was a pretty good workout.

Yesterday I suffered by riding my bike in and then doing a thirty minute interval training on the upright followed by Bubble's nightmarish ABS workout. I felt pretty good, though the back is still flaring up but less and less.

Wednesday was another total body but the daze are kind of hazing together. Call them 'dog days.'

On Tuesday, my triumphant return to the gym, I had a Fitness Assessment by Bubbles. The results are encouraging. My body comosition is 21.55% putting me in the 60 percentile for my age group. When I started it was 29.16 so progress has been made.

When I started my VO2 Max was 18.52152 and not even on Bubbles chart (which went down to coal miner) but was 35.17088 (or 60th percentile), again - YAY!

Push ups - I did 15 which is 'good' and up from 4 when I started.

Curl-ups - I did 14 which was up from 8 - I still need work here sigh.

On flexibility I got a 7 which is well below average but the first time I've ever even gotten on the chart!

My hip to waist ratio has dropped from 1.02 to .91 putting me into some low risk category of some sort but still is awesome.

So seven months into this and that's where I'm at thanks to Bubbles and a whole host of others. (Thank you wife!). You can do it too if you wanna, why not give it a try.

I have a lot still to do but as I was riding the bike home yesterday I passed MarathonMan running the other way. We waved and smiled to each other. Think of it as a lifestyle :-)

I close with the following from JRock

Have a fantastic weekend!!!

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