Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Friday Get Together

OK The structure of this blog is going to change for the next few days. FIRST I'm going to start posting in it again. SECOND the top will be me dealing with the Friday get together.

Friday Get Together
  • OK, no way, no how am I posting my address in this blog so if you want it email me. That will also give me a sort of head count on who's coming for the hamburgers/brats.
  • If I can I'm going to take a half day at work on Friday and do my best to have things in preparation for your eminent arrival.
  • Only for cooking purposes do I care when you arrive. Me and my wife are pretty casual sort of folk, if you need a time then let's say after 5pm. It doesn't take long to fire up the grill and cook you something if you stroll in later.
  • Just come around to the back of the house unless it's raining but the weather folk promise it will be gorgeous.
So here's what I know, send corrections if I get it wrong.
  • Bill and Nolska - Hamburger, brats and fixins. probably some pop and Miller High Life for Ally who'll ONLY drink that. S'Mores.
  • JRock and IronMan - A Mexican layered bean dip (? - Darn my memory!)
  • AllyMcBeal and Spouse - Strawberry Pie
  • Bubbles and Rudi - Italian vegetable pasta side and maybe Rudi's famous Guacamole dip
  • Kojak - currently has no idea what to bring
  • WickedWoman - tentative
  • NotSoFunRun - tentative
  • YOU?! - you gonna come and play?
sigh - I need to get this post up and then I'll move it about as we get closer to the date.

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