Thursday, June 11, 2009

It Just Doesn't Matter

Of course it didn't rain yesterday ::glares at local weathermen:: I think I'll try and be far less trusting in the future. These guys have been wrong three days straight so why should I believe them when when they tell me the world is going to be an overheated wreck in 100 years? I'm giving strong consideration to not riding my bike in until the farmers pay me to, ending the drought. Nah, the farmers have enough to worry about without that additional 'tax.'


I seem to have woken up in a bit of a mood. I got up at 4:15 and drove in determined to get a head start on work - I've got paperwork piling up. Banged through my intervals (still haaaattteee them, still dooooooooo them) on the upright bike. I was wrapping that up when IronMan strolls in looking well rested and grinning ear to ear. Even though I thought I was clear with his adoring wife JRock, apparently she didn't deliver on her end of the bargain. IronMan was NOT served an unlimited supply of cold beer in a frosted mug. IronMan was NOT served a bag of his beloved Oreo Double Stuffs arranged on a silver platter in a smiley face pattern. IronMan did NOT receive a back rub and IronMan did NOT get the remote (maybe, I'm unclear on the remote thing).

JRock did mention a glass of ice water but IronMan did NOT even receive that!

Maybe he'll get that delivered to his lap tonight after she reads this?

Look IronMan I'm doing the best I can here! I'm new to this negotiation thing.

After intervals I did Bubbles' ABS workout and left at about 6:35 - SIGH - No matter how early I get in I can't seem to get out earlier :-)

Have a great day!

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