Thursday, June 18, 2009

New ABS Routine

Um, yeah. Look it's not a cult, the tattoos are still optional... I think. There's another class tomorrow at 11AM, I'll get back to you on that cult thing.

Been a busy day for yours truly. I had intervals followed by a doctor's appointment (yearly physical) and I was bled by the Dread Doctor - we'll see what those results say but all in all good, so far.

I chose the stair climber for intervals, started at level five but ended up increasing it until I hit level nine. I'm not sure the stair climber is a good interval workout for me - check out the HR chart, not very "spikey" but I felt good coming off it.

Then I hung out with IronMan and goodMood waiting for Bubbles to introduce me to the new and improved ABS for Sissies! So I was sitting there enjoying my coffee, providing deep insight into the nature of man and dumbbells when Bubbles strolls in right on time.

She's clutching a clipboard and giving me the impression she's not in the mood for my particular brand of stalling BS (ppsssstt - I don't think Bubbles is a morning person, well at least not a four days out of the week morning person).

Wanna see it? (Bill's notes in blue)
  • "C" Mat Crunches: Lift shoulders and tailbone off the floor 1X12-15
    • Hold the last two for 4-8 counts
    • Push lower back into mat
  • BOSU Crunch - 'Sit Up/Get Ups': 1X15-20
    • Um, these didn't go well, everyone in the gym thought I had gone into labor with all the groaning
    • Try every fourth rep to Get Up
  • SB Oblique AB Crunch: 1X12-15 each side; hold last 2 reps on each side for 4-8 counts
    • This ended up bothering my lower back sigh I did better after doing some warm ups
    • Warm up: Curl over yellow ball with the belly button on the ball. Roll forward until the elbows touch the floor. Then roll back to knees.
    • Warm up: On ball in sit up position push back until sitting on the ball (like a chair)
  • Quadruped Arm Opposite Leg Raise: 2X10 hold each rep for 2-3 counts
    • These are 'supermans' on all fours
  • Plank On Elbows and Feet : 2X45-60 seconds
    • Get on tip-toes for last twenty seconds
  • Finish off with, Child's Pose Stretch and Cat/Cow Stretch
    • Child's Pose Stretch - extend arms, push hips to heels like kowtowing
  • Repeat this workout 2-3 days per week.
It's a nice ABS workout! As I was leaving I glanced into the actual ABS course (Kojak thinks I'm ready) and everyone (the TOSRVS, tireTosser, myPeg, marathonMan, otherPonyTail) was in a circle each with a different implement of torture. Bubbles was standing at the feet of one position, you'd do a situp and she'd chuck an eight pound medicine ball at you, then you'd stand up. Someone else was moving dummbells from one side to the other, someone else was doing crunches on a stability ball, etc. After sixty seconds or so you'd move to the next station.

It looked kinda fun but I wasn't living it.

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