Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ghost Town

Yeah so I stayed up too late last night, WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT??!!

The alarm went off at 4:34 or something and I made, MADE myself get out of bed because that's the sort of dedication IronMan demands. Big biceps that I hope one day to fill!

Since I'm God's gift to pansies I opted to not ride the bike in today and most likely wont tomorrow because of the threat of "afternoon thunderstorms." So it better rain and hail and bring down true wrath of God stuff is all I have to say on that matter.

I get up, brew my coffee and head to the gym. Already I have issues but the fact that AT Everest and IronMan are already there hard at work kept me to my grim resolve. I'm already running fairly late for me with all my dawdling so I actually see awesomeGirl heading into the gym ahead of me.

I cram my stuff into my locker, put my game face on and head into the gym about the same time awesomeGirl does. Kingsley comes running up looking thoroughly spooked, "Thank God you're hear, I've been ALL ALONE! I mean even AT Everest isn't here and I was expecting to see her!"

awesomeGirl is aware of AT Everest's reasons for not suffering today and informs Kingsley. I'm looking around for absent IronMan.

I start my routine, the total body workout completely and totally unmotivated. I make a mental note that Bill can not stay up late and expect to perform at the gym. I'm going through some of that when Diablo shows up in the best mood ever! He's joking around and having fun torturing quietGuy making him stand against the wall like he's being held up and other bizarre trainer things. Slowly wearing him down.

I'm over by goodMood who's killing himself with his aerobic routine today. I'm watching in unmotivated awe and ask him about it and he says, "Well some days you're more into it than others, for me today is one of those days," while threatening to decapitate anyone stupid enough to get sucked into the vacuum he's creating with his jump rope.

Both of us are wondering where IronMan is and hoping he's OK.

I'm doing these tricep lunges that Bubbles devised to break my will when Diablo strolls by on his way to the dumbbell rack looking for some additional means of motivating quietGuy. He makes a series of funny faces and poses and I lose my count but pretend not to.

Diablo, having selected the appropriate instrument of quietGuy's destruction grins as he's walking back, "Nothing can effect your mojo can it Bill?"

"Nope" I say mentally deciding I was at 15 and starting from there.

When I'm working on the other leg, Diablo having reduced quietGuy to a sobbing (OK complaining) wreck, looks at me sadly saying, "Your mojo is no longer risin' is it Bill?"

I grin ear to ear while the rest of the gym bursts out into giggles, "Nope, it stopped in 1971." I have no idea what I meant by that, once again restarting the count at 15.

All that's left is 15 minutes of cardio. A huge war rages in my head over whether to do it or not but I finally plop down on a recombinant and hammer it out at a pretty low HR tempo. I end up sweating pretty well but nothing like J-TOSRV who must be working on her book, One Step Closer to Thee My Lord on the StairClimber.

Will IronMan return to the gym??? Let's find out tomorrow on the next edition of Exercise in Futility!

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